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Dependency Injection in Seer

Dependency Injection is a technique in which shared objects and configuration used in a program are "injected" into functions on a need to know basis, separating the concerns of instantiation and construction of objects, from defining the dependent components. This is opposed to functions or classes directly accessing those shared objects via global state.

This concept is actually very similar to useContext in React: consumers of values are separated from providers rather than shared through global state. The difference comes down to how these abstraction relationships (consumers and providers) are eventually bound together.

Quick Start

For shared configuration, mutable caches, or mockable clients, create a provider:

module = Module()

def my_cache() -> Cache:
    return Cache()

Consume that provider downstream with inject and injected:

def my_func(a: Cache = injected):
    a.set('key', 'value')

By using dependency injection, your shared objects will reset between tests, be available 'globally' in any method that wants it via injected, and is replaceable in tests with mock replacements.

Long walk explanation of

inject and injected

Let's start with the most common example in

class AppConfig(BaseModel):
    SEER_VERSION_SHA: str = ""

    SENTRY_DSN: str = ""
    SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT: str = "production"

AppConfig is a very useful broad set of application settings that we load from os.environ on bootup. It is shared and common to many different components. How do we share access to the AppConfig instance?

Here's an example from seer/automation/

def check_genai_consent(
    org_id: int, client: RpcClient = injected, config: AppConfig = injected
) -> bool:

A method decorated with inject signifies that this method can receive "injected" instance values. Those are denoted by any and all keyword arguments whose default value is injected. So what's going on? Let's break it down by reading some:

def inject(c: _A) -> _A:
    argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(c)

    @functools.wraps(c)  # type: ignore
    def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        new_kwds = {**kwargs}
        if argspec.kwonlydefaults:
            for k, v in argspec.kwonlydefaults.items():
                if v is injected and k not in new_kwds:
                        new_kwds[k] = resolve(argspec.annotations[k])
                    except KeyError:
                        raise AssertionError(f"Cannot inject argument {k} as it lacks annotations")
        return c(*args, **new_kwds)  # type: ignore

    return wrapper  # type: ignore

Essentially inject "wraps" the given function or method such that it inspects kwds and replaces any kwonlydefaults (that is, keywords that have defaults), with this logic:

if v is injected and k not in new_kwds:
        new_kwds[k] = resolve(argspec.annotations[k])

resolve in this case is the function that "determines" what value to select for an injected value. Note that it is acting on the annotation of the keyword argument! This is important: dependency injection depends entirely on the annotation to do the binding, not the name of the argument iself.

But what is injected? Well, it's rather simple:

class _Injected:

# Marked as Any so it can be a stand in value for any annotation.
injected: Any = _Injected()

injected is literally a magical value that means nothing and will type match any annotation safely. It's only purpose is to signal to the decorator that you didn't put some other value into the keyword argument! For instance, consider these three cases:

check_genai_consent(1, my_rpc_client)
check_genai_consent(1, client=my_rpc_client)

In the first case, client will be injected, and thus have its value replaced with a call to resolve. However, in the other two cases, client will merely be my_rpc_client because that's what you provided!

In this way, our dependency injection has flexibility: it is only providing a default when no other is given.


But how on earth does resolve come up with a "default value"? Let's take a look in again:

def resolve(source: type[_A]) -> _A:
    key = FactoryAnnotation.from_annotation(source)
    return resolve_annotation(key, source)

Not much here, but the key insight is that we're doing a transformation on, again, the annotation, or type structure, of the input, in order to make a selection. This transformed value is known as a FactoryAnnotation in this case (implementation detail, other implementations may use different names). Let's take a peak at resolve_annotation.

def resolve_annotation(key: FactoryAnnotation, source: Any) -> Any:
    return _cur.injector.get(source, key=key)

Alot is happening in this function related to sanity checking failure conditions, but the crucial line involves _cur.injector. Again, it feels like we're just passing stuff around, so we need to understand the kernel here:

What is _cur and what is its injector?

_cur and injector

_cur is defined as such:

class _Cur(threading.local):
    injector: Injector | None = None
    seen: list[FactoryAnnotation] | None = None

_cur = _Cur()

Let's not worry too much about seen (it is related to sanity checking circular refences). There are two things here worth focusing on:

  1. The injector is an, well, Injector. This is ultimately where values come from in dependency injection. You can think of an injector as a "context" the sits intermediate to inject and injected.
  2. The fact that _cur: _Cur is a subclass of threading.local. What does that mean? Well, essentially, each mutation of _cur only affects the thread the mutation is running in. In practice, this means that using this library, you will need to initialize injectors independently between threads. We'll discuss Injector objects here shortly.

So all in all, _cur is some state that carries an Injector, cool. Well, what is an Injector????

class Injector:
    module: Module
    parent: "Injector | None"
    _cache: dict[FactoryAnnotation, Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
    def get(self, source: type[_A], key: FactoryAnnotation | None = None) -> _A:
        if key in self.cache:
            return self.cache[key]

            f = self.module.registry[key]
        except KeyError:
            if self.parent is not None:
                return self.parent.get(source, key=key)
            raise FactoryNotFound(f"No registered factory for {source}")

        rv = self.cache[key] = f()
        return rv

Taking a look at the members, there's some things to identify.

  1. Injectors have an optional parent: Injector, implying naturally that injectors can be stacked.
  2. Injectors have a reference to a Module, which we will need to explore a bit more. This also implies given #1 that modules can be arranged via Injectors in a stacked fashion.
  3. _cache: dict[FactoryAnnotation, Any] seems to map those FactoryAnnotation values (the type annotations from resolve invocations, as we saw earlier).

As it turns out, we'll see exactly what the _cache, parent, and module values are, and what they're doing by breaking down the get method:

if key in self.cache:
    return self.cache[key]

For a given injector instance, if the annotation already has a computed value, just return that. Let's ignore the fact that _cache is abstracted by another property cache for now and treat them the same. The key insight is that the cache acts as a buffer so that once a value is constructed for a type annotation, we re-use and share it to all injected call sites. That is, so long as the injector instance remains. Since this state is tied to a currently active injector, the implication is that the cache is, in fact, scope sensitive. We'll revisit this later.

registry and cache

So how do values get into the cache? Well,

    f = self.module.registry[key]
except KeyError:
    if self.parent is not None:
        return self.parent.get(source, key=key)
    raise FactoryNotFound(f"No registered factory for {source}")

rv = self.cache[key] = f()

Now we see module and parent come into play! First, we ask if the module associated with this injector has a value f for the type annotation. If it does not (KeyError), we... ask the parent to get the value instead!

In essence, parent: Injector | None helps us chain a stacked context, preferring the last in value that is available. This means in fact that there can be multiple registry entries for a given key, where we prefer the injector at the "top" of the stack. It also means that if the "top" injector does not have a value for the annotation, a previous injector can be used. This sort of nested contextual scope mimics the way that symbolic values can be shadowed, but in this case the scope is the injector and the symbol is not a variable name, but a type annotation.

How does this relate to the cache, and what is an f value? Well,

rv = self.cache[key] = f()
return rv

f is often known as a "factory", but it can also be known as a "thunk", or in our case as we'll show later, we can call it a provider. Whatever you may call it, it is deferred evaluation since we care about caching not f directly, but the result of invoking f at the time that it is requested. We store it in the cache and make the same instance value available everywhere this injector is used.

This is, by the way, very similar to how @cached_property works! In the case of cached_property the scope of the delayed evaluation is the instance, in our case, the scope is the injector.

We're making progress here, but we still have to tie two loose ends up. How does a Module work, specifically, how does its registry work? And, how does _cur.injector and injector.parent get set?

Modules and registry

Let's take a look at the top half of Module:

class Module:
    registry: dict[FactoryAnnotation, Callable] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)

First off, in essence, a Module, is a registry object, that's basically its entire state. A registry, is a mapping between FactoryAnnotation (type annotations) to a Callable (an f value from above).

Essentially... a registry tracks how you can produce a value for a type annotation by calling something! That's it! But how do these Callables, these factories, get assigned into a module?

    def provider(self, c: _C) -> _C:

    def constant(self, annotation: type[_A], val: _A) -> _A:
        key = FactoryAnnotation.from_annotation(annotation)
        self.registry[key] = lambda: val
        return self

provider and constant are ways of providing an item to the registry, so that an injector can resolve a type annotation. Let's check some real life examples of usage:


module = Module()


def gcs_client(config: EnvConfig = injected) -> GcsStorageClient:
    return storage.Client(project=config.GCS_PROJECT_ID).bucket(config.GCS_BUCKET_NAME)

We instantiate a Module object into module, and we decorate gcs_client with module.provider.

Checking out the definition of provider from above

def provider(self, c: _C) -> _C:
    c = inject(c)
    key = FactoryAnnotation.from_factory(c)
    self.registry[key] = c
    return c

we see a couple of important things. One, a function decorated with @module.provider (the c here) also is decorated with inject. That explains why even a @module.provider definition can also use injected to get other values.

We also seem to pull the FactoryAnnotation from the function somehow... how? Long story short, from_factory pulls the annotation from the return type of the function definition. Whatever your function says it is returning, is the type annotation that can be used to retrieve it later (with injected or resolve).

Then lastly, this wrapped inject wrapped c is put into the registry by the annotation. Taking a look at the constant method, we can see that constant is basically just a way to put a specific instance or value into the registry without a function definition along the way.

So we've seen how to add definitions to a Module's registry, and we've seen how the type annotation of a provider function's return type can correspond with the type annotation of an injected parameter to an inject method, but we're still unclear about this line in particular:


So let's talk about how Injectors are created, what their relationship to Modules are, and how that defines "scope" for a dependency injection.

Module enter, enable, and _cur.injector

A module merely stores a registry, but to an injected values from the intermediate injector stack attached to _cur. So at what point does the Module find itself inside of an Injector or the _cur?

The answer to that is defined on the Module class:

    def enable(self):
        injector = Injector(self, _cur.injector)
        _cur.injector = injector
        return injector

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.enable()

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        _cur.injector = _cur.injector.parent

Firstly, it's worth remembering that __enter__ and __exit__ correspond with python context managers, which is to say, they correspond to entering and exiting with constructions. So in essence, using a Module in a with statement invokes the __enter__ followed by __exit__.

Note, too, that __enter__ is enable(). In many ways, invoking module.enable() outside of a with is merely saying, "this module is always enabled" since it won't implicitly invoke __exit__.

So that's actually happening in enable?

Well... the obvious thing! We create an Injector from the Module object being invoked, passing in _cur.injector as the second parameter (the parent: Injector attribute!), and we set the _cur.injector to this value.

And for __exit__?

Well.. it undoes that! it pulls the parent of the _cur.injector and attaches that, to, _cur.injector.

If this all seems familiar, it should be -- this is 100% a linked list stack implementation. The stack is the scope context of Injector objects that join Module and cache values. When you __enter__ module, you get a fresh empty cache (which implies future injected values are going to be reconstructed rather than shared), and potentially you have new definitions from the Module.registry.

The whole construction provides the core parts of dependency injection we care about:

  1. The ability to override definitions by using __enter__ or enable on a module.
  2. The ability to reconstruct all shared objects by using __enter__ or enable on a module.
  3. The ability to share dependencies that are loosely coupled -- only the type annotations must be the same.

Item 3 here is probably the most obviously useful, since it allows us to carry AppConfig values deep into the program (the most common use case), but why is 1 and 2 useful?

The answer most commonly has to do with tests.


For example, consider this classic pattern

def my_method(a: int):
    if settings.DISABLE:
        return False
    return True

In this case, my_method has an explicit dependency on the settings instance object, and its DISABLE value.

This is relatively fine for simple cases, but it can start to get tedious in special cases.

  • Q: What if you need to test with specialized settings objects or settings values?
  • A: You could use mocks, but dynamic mocks can't have their type signatures validated, and in general are brittle in the face of structural change (often creating false positives or just a lot of refactoring).

The need to contextually "replace" a part of a system with a variant is known as the The Robot Leg Problem and can show up in numerous places, including tests and nested scopes.

  • Q: What if settings object is stateful and mutated during the program's run? How can I ensure that mutations don't result in test polution (a situation where one previous setting updates a value and the next test only passes) due to the previous test's mutation.
  • A: You could manually reset the settings object between tests with a fixture, but that is only as good as your ability to identify each part of your settings object that could be mutated or cached somewhere.

The need to 'reset' or 'clear' state between tests is not a small issue: it's the issue of lifecycles and is an important part of ensuring that adding and changing new tests remains stable with respect to its shared state.

Passing Dependencies as the Alternative

A wise solution to this problem is simply to make the settings object an explicit parameter rather than shared state at all. Consider this approach:

def my_method(a: int, settings: Settings):
    if settings.DISABLE:
        return False
    return True
def test_my_method():
   assert not my_method(10, Settings(DISABLE=False))
   assert my_method(10, Settings(DISABLE=True))

Nice! This approach is actually great. Explicit parameters are obvious, easy to use, and naturally deal with both the Robot Leg problem and the Lifecycle problem directly. If you can get away with solving any problem with a simple function, do it.

However, there are some caveats here. What if my_method isn't always called directly by you or your test? For instance, suppose that my_method is celery task that is invoked by your celery runner. Suppose my_method is a callback that doesn't provide any easy way to control its parameterization? Or suppose that the mutated state isn't explicit, but merely implicit due to some other process side effect? You may have trouble finding a way to thread your parameter in all the right places to maintain internal consistency of the instance:

def test_my_method():
    settings = Settings(DISABLE=False)
    assert not my_method(10, settings)
    assert my_method(10, settings)
    with celery_runner():
        # How can I ensure the settings instance passed to the celery job is the same?
        assert settings.CACHE[key] == value

Dependency Injection as the Alternative

With dependency injection, you build upon the option of passing in parameters directly with the concept of "injection", the idea that a context can provide a default for a given value type.

def my_method(a: int, settings: Settings = injected):
    if settings.DISABLE:
        return False
    return True

The @inject decorator is responsible for identifying any keyword argument whose default value is the special injected value. Any call to my_method that does not specify the settings value directly instead receive a shared instance value to a Settings object.

As above, we can still control the value directly by passing in a Settings object, ignoring the need to use a mock. But in cases where constructing a meaningful Settings object is hard, or where the invocation is indirect, you can still bind a value to the invocation that uses the default.

def unit_test_my_method():
    # You can provide a settings value directly for a simple unit test, to validate a special behavior
    assert not my_method(10, settings=Settings(DISABLE=True))
    # Or you can simply allow the inject decorator to provide the value directly.
    with module.constant(Settings, Settings(DISABLE=True)):
        assert my_method(10)
        with celery_runner():
            # Some implicitly run celery job will still receive the same configured Settings object above
            assert resolve(Settings).CACHE[key] == value

There is some additional complexity created here, but there is some gained flexibility in the ability to control life cycles and the ability to inject and replace shared values.

How does inject decide which value to select for an injected parameter?

As mentioned in the above example, we can use the concept of a module to define the context in which an injected value can be replaced. A module in dependency injection parlance is actually very similar to a typical python module file, in the sense that it "stores" definitions that can be used. The difference between a typical python module file and a dependency injection module is how a definition is bound and referenced.

For a typical python module, upon loading it, any variable, function, or class that module references, is immediately bound by its name. A module in dependency injection has definitions, called providers, but consumers do not hold references to any particular definition or instantiation. Instead, all parameters whose default value is injected resolves their final instantiation via the type annotation itself.

As an example, let us setup a module with some providers.

module = Module()

def build_settings() -> Settings:
    return Settings(

The module.provider decorator is binding the return type of the function (Settings, the type constructor), to its returned value (Settings(**kwds) the value). Instantiation does not happen immediately, but rather, on demand, when injected needs resolution.

def my_method(settings: Settings = injected):

A module in dependency injection controls both the definitions (the providers) as well as the scope in which values are applied. If you call my_method and you run into a FactoryNotFound exception, it means you have either

  1. Not defined a provider for the type you are injecting or
  2. Not "enabled" that module in your current context.

What does "enabling" a module mean? Well, if you check seer source code files, you'll often see a line that looks like module.enable(). This essentially places all of that modules providers into scope for injected values of inject methods.

my_method() # now @inject will find `Settings` provider from above.

What a module.enable does is "enter" the context of that module, which has two effects:

  1. All previously instantiated values from providers will be ignored, future injection will create new instantiations
  2. All provider definitions are available to bind to future types. Any conflicts between definitions for the same type will be resolved with the "last" enabled module's providers.

Note that it is perfectly ok to enable a module before definitions are added, say at the top of a file, but that enable and the provider definitions must occur before invoking a method that depends upon them.

Also note that module.enable() only applies to the current thread! This means that if you run a multi-threaded application, you may need to "enable" modules again when you enter new threads. This is meant to ensure no unintended cross thread state sharing. If you must share state between threads, consider using Queues or other concurrency primitives.

Differentiating values on common types

In the easy case, dependency injection provides one value for any given type annotation, usually because that type is essentially a Singleton.

For instance, there can only be one provider of type int available at a time, meaning if you need to provide two int type bindings, only the most recent would actually work.

To avoid these conflicts, there is an "escape hatch" in which you can label a type in such a way that it does not conflict with another type by the same name.

LogLevel = Annotated[int, Labeled("log_level")]

def setup_logging(log_level: LogLevel = injected):

In this way, the underlying type is still int but it will be resolved using the labeled type alias LogLevel. In general, I don't recommend using this approach except as an absolute last resort. Better is often to simply organize your injected types into unique domain objects bundling multiple values together. For instance the AppConfig type in seer, which includes many strings and ints organized together.


I want to override a value in a test

You can easily override an injected value in a test with 3 patterns

  1. an override module that includes a separate provider
  2. an adhoc module with a constant that replaces a provider in a test
  3. resolve to grab a shared reference and mutate directly in atest
module = Module()

# We dont' enable this module directly, we save it for tests below
my_override_module = Module()

class Settings:
    a: int
    b: str

def default_settings() -> Settings:
    return Settings(a=2, b=3)

def override_settings() -> Settings:
    orig = default_settings()
    orig.b += 1
    return orig

def does_a_thing(settings: Settings = injected):

def test_does_a_thing():
    does_a_thing() # uses existing settings
    # .constant() is a utility provider that is a value instead of a function
    with Module().constant(Settings, Settings(a=10, b=20)):
      # The override only applies to this context manager's scope

    # You can also setup a module
    with my_override_module:

    # `resolve` directly grabs the current instance instead of overriding it,
    # so you can use this as a quick way to mutate a value in the current context
    resolve(Settings).a = 1

I want to implement an IO client that I can mock easily in tests

For instance, in development you may have an LLMClient that acts non-deterministically and requires secrets. In order to test the relationship of components without having to hard code mocks over and over, you can use modules as a means of replacing implementations in a modular way.

module = Module()
stub_module = Module()


class MyClient(abc.ABC):
    def invoke_llm(self, prompt: str) -> str:

class ProductionClient(MyClient):
    def invoke_llm(self, prompt: str) -> str:

def get_production_client() -> MyClient:
    return ProductionClient()

class StubClient(MyClient):
    def invoke_llm(self, prompt: str) -> str:
        return "this is a stub response"

def get_stub_client() -> MyClient:
    return StubClient()

Notice how we only enable the module with the production client -- we're considering this the base case. A test can then use the stub_module to substitute on the fly:

def my_test():
    with stub_module:

Sometimes, you know that most if not all the tests would prefer the stub client anyways, in which cae you can easily set this up using pytest fixtures:

def setup_stub_module():
    with stub_module:

In which case if a test wants the "real" client again, they do the inverse:

def this_test_with_real_client():
    with module:


It is important to note that there are some "gotchas" and "caveats" to practical use of dependency injection, especially in python.

Type Generics

For one, seer's dependency injection does not support generics or type parameters!

For instance, it does not support set[str], or Iterable[int], or MyClass[A] sorts of types. In general, dependency injection works best on singleton, concrete types.

That said, seer's dependency injection does support 2 specific generics:

  1. list generics are supported, but the inner type must be concrete. list[list[str]] does not work.
  2. type generics are supported, but again the inner type must be concrete. type[MyClass] is ok but not type[list[str]].

Module loading, circular dependencies, organization.

In an ideal world, python would separate symbolic loading from running a program, meaning there would be second order resolution of symbols that can avoid circular references. In reality, that isn't true.

Thanks to this, it is ideal in many cases for each python module to have its own Module object. However, in some cases it's still fine to just import the object and attach to that directly, if your import ordering is safe.

Also note: you need your program to startup and load all Module() objects. This is fine normally, as when you import a type name, you tend to also import its python module, which should enable that module object. But in some theoritical lazy loading, circular, or "dynamic loading" situations, this can cause a problem.

Word of advice: the greatest extent possible, force explicit module loading in the order you need to. And if you run into a circular loading loop, you may have to put your loading inside of a function. Until python changes the rules for symbol loading, you may not have any other option :(

Startup, loading

As mentioned before, dependency injection really depends heavily on being able to separate the symbolic linking that happens in normal python module loading from the delayed, nominal type linking that happens via injection.

Unfortunately, this abstraction requires control of the startup order of an application, which means some utilities that force startup and execution in inconvenient ways can really cause friction.

A good example is celery. To fully initialize celery, one may want to have the AppConfig object which only exists inside of a delayed module context. But celery wants to "force" the celery object to immediately exist while it is still loading all other modules, in order to bind tasks. The same thing with the Flask app wanting to exist before startup to bind endpoints.

In the two above cases, there is special handling so that, for instance, the Celery object does not finalize initialization immediately, and instead we rely on callbacks to delay this finalization. In the case of Flask, we use Blueprint objects that merely abstract endpoint definitions away from Flask value initialization.

However, this is not always possible. Consider langfuse, which uses decorators to attach metadata to methods as they are defined, but which itself may depend on dependency injection before the load ordering has completed. This circular dependency could be resolved if the langfuse decorator were designed lazily -- that is, delaying the resolution of configuration until the wrapped method is invoked, instead of when it is defined, but alas, we don't have control over the execution of a third party.