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Tests 🧪

Unit Tests

Currently there are only unit tests covering path normalization.

Running the unit tests:

yarn test

End-to-end Tests

There is an extensive matrix of end-to-end tests that run on CI and test:

  • All supported versions of Electron (2.0+)
  • All major platforms (Windows, macOS and Linux)
  • All features and integrations
  • Event and session submission to mock Sentry server
  • Successful bundling and subsequent event submission

Running the end-to-end tests:

yarn e2e

If the ELECTRON_VERSION environment variable is set, only that version of Electron will be tested, otherwise all versions will be tested.

Test Recipes

Each individual e2e test consists of a test recipe which is a self contained application in its own right. There are simple functional test recipes and example app recipes.

Each recipe should contain:

  • recipe.yml (details below)
  • package.json with a unique name
  • Events expected to be sent to the server (event*.json/session*.json)


The recipe.yml contains a number of optional keys with only description required.

Run a single test by renaming to recipe.only.yml.

Key Type Description
description string Friendly name displayed in test output
category string Used for grouping test output
command string Initialization/build command to run in app root
condition string JavaScript expression for conditionally skipping a test
timeout number Test timeout in seconds
runTwice boolean If the application should be run twice
expectedError string Expected error string in log output


A JavaScript expression evaluated to boolean and used to determine whether the test should be run for the current platform and version of Electron. A number of variables are available to simplify usage:

namespace Global {
  const platform: 'win32' | 'darwin' | 'linux';
  const version: { major: number; minor: number; patch: number };
  const supportsContextIsolation: boolean;

If a test should only run for Electron >= v5, the condition would be:

version.major >= 5;


Some tests require that the application is run a second time so that crashes or sessions can be sent from the first run.

In the app, you can differentiate between the first and second run via the APP_FIRST_RUN environment variable. Recipe apps are expected to close themselves after the first run.


Some test are expected to throw errors or log output to the console. If expectedError is defined, the test will fail if the string cannot be found in the application log output.

Recipe Steps

  1. If condition is defined, it's evaluated and the recipe is skipped if it returns false
  2. All files apart from recipe.yaml/event*.json/session*.json are copied to a temporary directory
  3. Occurrences of __DSN__ found in any file are replaced with the the mock server localhost DSN
  4. If @sentry/electron is found in the dependencies in package.json, the version is replaced with a path to the npm packed SDK in the project root file:../../../sentry-electron-{version}.tgz
  5. If command is defined, it's run via spawnSync(command, { shell: true}) in the root of the recipe and a non-zero exit code results in test failure
  6. Application is started with a specific Electron version
  7. If runTwice == true, the app will be started again when it closes
  8. Wait for the expected number of events to be sent to the mock server
  9. Compare received events and ensure they match events found in event*.json/session*.json files
    • Server events are normalized by replacing timestamps, versions and IDs so they can be compared
    • event*.json/session*.json may contain a condition key so event matching can vary by platform or Electron version
  10. If expectedError is defined, ensure string is found in log output