We love pull requests from everyone. We suggest opening an issue to discuss bigger changes before investing on a big PR.
The project requires you to run JDK 17.
This repository is a monorepo which includes Java and Android libraries.
If you'd like to contribute to Java and don't have an Android SDK with NDK installed,
you can remove the Android libraries from settings.gradle.kts
to make sure you can build the project.
Optionally, you can install spotlessCheck pre-commit hook:
git config core.hooksPath hooks/
To run the build and tests:
make compile
To format the changed code and make CI happy you can run:
make format
./gradlew spotlessApply
To prevent breaking ABI changes and exposing things we should not, we make use of https://github.com/Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator. If your change intended to introduce a new public method/property or modify the existing one you can overwrite the API declarations to make CI happy as follows (overwrites them from scratch):
make api
./gradlew apiDump
However, if your change did not intend to modify the public API, consider changing the method/property visibility or removing the change altogether.
Build and tests are automatically run against branches and pull requests via GH Actions.