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odds-portal-scraper Public
Sports odds and results scraping for Odds Portal (oddsportal.com).
nitrogen-sports-api Public
Unofficial API for Nitrogen Sports.
headbro Public
Headless browser rendering service for HTTP responses.
OpenDoor Public
Forked from stanislav-web/OpenDoorOWASP WEB Directory Scanner
gingeleski-hugo-theme Public
Forked from gesellix/hugo-casper3Ghost theme for gingeleski.com blog/site.
SCSS MIT License UpdatedSep 27, 2020 -
jwt-spring-security-demo Public
Forked from szerhusenBC/jwt-spring-security-demoA demo for using JWT (Json Web Token) with Spring Security and Spring Boot 2
pywebcopy-import Public
Forked from rajatomar788/pywebcopyPython library to mirror webpage and websites.
Python Other UpdatedJun 21, 2020 -
pdf-viewer-reactjs Public
Forked from LeandroSeoane/pdf-viewer-reactjsA simple PDF viewer for React js
CSS MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2020 -
vagrant-ghost Public template
Vagrant development box for Ghost.
Cucumber/BDD security tests example for Java (Spring Boot API).
Simple example of a Cucumber test with Java, JUnit, and Gradle.
sitecopy Public archive
Forked from Threezh1/SiteCopyFacilitates easy static website backup.
bdd-security Public
Forked from iriusrisk/bdd-securityWeb application security testing in BDD style.
Java GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 26, 2019 -
historica_stats Public
Forked from isachard/historica_statssport bettings stats from different years
Python UpdatedJul 30, 2019 -
oddsporter Public archive
Comprehensive scraping utility for Odds Portal (oddsportal.com) results.
miscellaneous Public
(My stuff too small for a full project but too big for a Gist)
Python UpdatedJul 12, 2019 -
conspiracy Public
Web app pen test automation via Chrome and Burp Suite.
Python UpdatedMay 15, 2019 -
spring-petclinic Public
Forked from spring-projects/spring-petclinicGradle-oriented fork of the classic sample Spring application.
Java UpdatedMay 13, 2019 -
flask-skeleton Public
Forked from realpython/cookiecutter-flask-skeletonWindows-oriented Flask starter application.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2019 -
soccer-draws-bettor Public
Soccer betting system for Nitrogen Sports.
time_calc Public
Forked from ashleylizg/time_calcHighly customizable loan payoff calculator.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 4, 2018 -
bitzino Public
Forked from sanchayshukla/bitzinoWorking archive of now-defunct Bitzino.
solitaire-solver Public
Forked from ShootMe/Klondike-SolverKlondike (patience) solitaire solver that finds minimal length solutions.
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2018 -
tensorflow-object-detection Public
Forked from sozercan/tensorflow-object-detectionStreamlining TensorFlow object detection models on Azure.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2018 -
helloworld-opencv-rtmp Public
Experiments in Python with OpenCV and RTMP streams.
ld-casino-sim Public
Comprehensive simulator for live dealer casino games.