Compares the files in the working tree and the index. When paths are specified, compares only those named paths. Otherwise all entries in the index are compared. The output format is the same as for git diff-index and git diff-tree.
- -1 --base
- -2 --ours
- -3 --theirs
- -0
Diff against the "base" version, "our branch", or "their branch" respectively. With these options, diffs for merged entries are not shown.
The default is to diff against our branch (-2) and the cleanly resolved paths. The option -0 can be given to omit diff output for unmerged entries and just show "Unmerged".
- -c
- --cc
This compares stage 2 (our branch), stage 3 (their branch), and the working tree file and outputs a combined diff, similar to the way diff-tree shows a merge commit with these flags.
- -q
Remain silent even for nonexistent files