This is not a command the end user would want to run. Ever. This documentation is meant for people who are studying the Porcelain-ish scripts and/or are writing new ones.
The git-mergetool{litdd}lib scriptlet is designed to be sourced (using
) by other shell scripts to set up functions for working
with Git merge tools.
Before sourcing git-mergetool{litdd}lib, your script must set TOOL_MODE
to define the operation mode for the functions listed below.
diff and merge are valid values.
- get_merge_tool
Returns a merge tool. The return code is 1 if we returned a guessed merge tool, else 0. $GIT_MERGETOOL_GUI may be set to true to search for the appropriate guitool.
- get_merge_tool_cmd
Returns the custom command for a merge tool.
- get_merge_tool_path
Returns the custom path for a merge tool.
- initialize_merge_tool
Brings merge tool specific functions into scope so they can be used or overridden.
- run_merge_tool
Launches a merge tool given the tool name and a true/false flag to indicate whether a merge base is present. $MERGED, $LOCAL, $REMOTE, and $BASE must be defined for use by the merge tool.