Piñata will be geared towards those who are experiencing emotional or psychological distress and offers easily accessible support and crisis intervention techniques that users can personalize and track for effectiveness.
Pinata is geared towards those who are experiencing emotional or psychological distress and offers easily accessible support and crisis intervention techniques that users can personalize and track for effectiveness.
One sentence pitch: Coming soon!
Suicide intervention referral
Suggest activities 2 hearts, 3 based on the indicated symptom, 2 random
Activities suggested based on the DBT manual/course work and academic research
Distress tolerance
Grounding techniques
Cognitive distortions
Each activity suggestion has a description of how to use the skill and additional info/resources when applicable: i.e. suggesting guided meditation would offer a list of places to find that.
dashboard with visualization of which skills have been effective for the user in the past
Things to consider:
Still haven’t figured out the flow of how/when to collect feedback on skills from users prompt when they log back in? notification after time has elapsed?
Nice to have: Social aspect: contacts/friends in the app easily share info with support system/therapist comments/discussion board
Style Guide: Users : in need of crisis intervention, distress tolerance strategies and/or coping skills Category: mental health, crisis intervention, dbt Colors/icons (simple/clean): Icons and text: White/black Background : bright blue/pink/purple Font: open sans, noblie or poppins Text Size: Large/Medium Images: simple cartoonish icons for each coping skill.
Files :
Landing page Log in I’m feeling Typeahead component SI page 9 skill pinata page Single skill info page User dashboard Tracking page Edit: heart/dismiss/ comments
APIs : Auth0 login ?
Priorities: Set up database Crud operations on skills and users
Connect database to REACT app and display skills
Get 8 suggestions, at least: 3 based on your mood 2 random Style / layout: Display the skills in a 3X3 grid (wildcard in middle) Display the icons Responsive layout Auth0/login Ability to track and customize skills Visualization of skills tracking
userflow : here
tables, pages, components, state : here