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npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-github


Legacy Configuration (.eslintrc)

Add github to your list of plugins in your ESLint config.

JSON ESLint config example:

  "plugins": ["github"]

Extend the configs you wish to use.

JSON ESLint config example:

  "extends": ["plugin:github/recommended"]

Flat Configuration (eslint-config.js)

Import the eslint-plugin-github, and extend any of the configurations using getFlatConfigs() as needed like so:

import github from 'eslint-plugin-github'

export default [
    files: ['**/*.{js,mjs,cjs,jsx,mjsx,ts,tsx,mtsx}'],
    ignores: ['eslint.config.mjs'],
    rules: {
      'github/array-foreach': 'error',
      'github/async-preventdefault': 'warn',
      'github/no-then': 'error',
      'github/no-blur': 'error',


If you configured the filenames/match-regex rule, please note we have adapted the match regex rule into eslint-plugin-github as the original eslint-filenames-plugin is no longer maintained and needed a flat config support update.

Please update the name to github/filenames-match-regex, and note, the default rule is kebab case or camelCase with one hump. For custom configuration, such as matching for camelCase regex, here's an example:

'github/filenames-match-regex': ['error', '^([a-z0-9]+)([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)*$'],

The available configs are:

  • internal
    • Rules useful for github applications.
  • browser
    • Useful rules when shipping your app to the browser.
  • react
    • Recommended rules for React applications.
  • recommended
    • Recommended rules for every application.
  • typescript
    • Useful rules when writing TypeScript.

Component mapping (Experimental)

Note: This is experimental and subject to change.

The react config includes rules which target specific HTML elements. You may provide a mapping of custom components to an HTML element in your eslintrc configuration to increase linter coverage.

By default, these eslint rules will check the "as" prop for underlying element changes. If your repo uses a different prop name for polymorphic components provide the prop name in your eslintrc configuration under polymorphicPropName.

  "settings": {
    "github": {
      "polymorphicPropName": "asChild",
      "components": {
        "Box": "p",
        "Link": "a"

This config will be interpreted in the following way:

  • All <Box> elements will be treated as a p element type.
  • <Link> without a defined as prop will be treated as a a.
  • <Link as='button'> will be treated as a button element type.


πŸ’Ό Configurations enabled in.
πŸ” Set in the browser configuration.
πŸ” Set in the internal configuration.
βš›οΈ Set in the react configuration.
βœ… Set in the recommended configuration.
πŸ”§ Automatically fixable by the --fix CLI option.
❌ Deprecated.

Name                                        Description πŸ’Ό πŸ”§ ❌
a11y-aria-label-is-well-formatted [aria-label] text should be formatted as you would visual text. βš›οΈ
a11y-no-generic-link-text disallow generic link text ❌
a11y-no-title-attribute Guards against developers using the title attribute βš›οΈ
a11y-no-visually-hidden-interactive-element Ensures that interactive elements are not visually hidden βš›οΈ
a11y-role-supports-aria-props Enforce that elements with explicit or implicit roles defined contain only aria-* properties supported by that role. βš›οΈ
a11y-svg-has-accessible-name SVGs must have an accessible name βš›οΈ
array-foreach enforce for..of loops over Array.forEach βœ…
async-currenttarget disallow event.currentTarget calls inside of async functions πŸ”
async-preventdefault disallow event.preventDefault calls inside of async functions πŸ”
authenticity-token disallow usage of CSRF tokens in JavaScript πŸ”
filenames-match-regex ensure filenames match a regex naming convention
get-attribute disallow wrong usage of attribute names πŸ” πŸ”§
js-class-name enforce a naming convention for js- prefixed classes πŸ”
no-blur disallow usage of Element.prototype.blur() πŸ”
no-d-none disallow usage the d-none CSS class πŸ”
no-dataset enforce usage of Element.prototype.getAttribute instead of Element.prototype.datalist πŸ”
no-dynamic-script-tag disallow creating dynamic script tags βœ…
no-implicit-buggy-globals disallow implicit global variables βœ…
no-inner-html disallow Element.prototype.innerHTML in favor of Element.prototype.textContent πŸ”
no-innerText disallow Element.prototype.innerText in favor of Element.prototype.textContent πŸ” πŸ”§
no-then enforce using async/await syntax over Promises βœ…
no-useless-passive disallow marking a event handler as passive when it has no effect πŸ” πŸ”§
prefer-observers disallow poorly performing event listeners πŸ”
require-passive-events enforce marking high frequency event handlers as passive πŸ”
unescaped-html-literal disallow unescaped HTML literals πŸ”