Indent each line in a string
$ npm install indent-string
import indentString from 'indent-string';
indentString('Unicorns\nRainbows', 4);
//=> ' Unicorns\n Rainbows'
indentString('Unicorns\nRainbows', 4, {indent: '♥'});
//=> '♥♥♥♥Unicorns\n♥♥♥♥Rainbows'
Type: string
The string to indent.
Type: number
Default: 1
How many times you want options.indent
Type: object
Type: string
Default: ' '
The string to use for the indent.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Also indent empty lines.
- indent-string-cli - CLI for this module
- strip-indent - Strip leading whitespace from every line in a string
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