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File metadata and controls

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Good Morning [GitHub Support],

As requested, please find herewith a complete notice letter which I trust will initiate the takedown process. Could you let me know when we can expect the code to be removed from the github site?

In plain English, we believe, and have evidence to support, user “chrisspang” having taken a copy of our source code several years ago, modifying some minor names to cover evidence (eg “” -> “systems”) and posting the copyrighted code to github’s repository.

  1. the infringed upon data requested in Section (1) is company confidential, so we cannot give it out - it is simply not available to the Internet. However, I do include "diffs" taken from the time we believe the data to have been taken from us by your user. Taking these diff’s is a time consuming piece of work and we’ve got half-way – if you need all of them please let me know. As you will see, they highlight that your user has simply search/replaced our company references for generic references, but the bulk of the code remains unchanged. The code can be described as “scripts to support SMB or Enterprise-class IT Infrastructure”

  2. Section (2) is easily identified – it is the following repository: - this link clearly identifies the person who committed the code (“chrisspang” – who we believe to be [private]) and I’d expect github to be able to track the date it was committed

  3. [private], [private], [private], [private]

  4. this source is registered under one of github’s users (chrisspang, who we believe to be [private]); we do not have their contact details, but presumably github does

  5. I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.

  6. I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

  7. Signature attached

Regards, [private]