I have read and understand Github's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice.
I'm a professor at Swarthmore College (http://web.cs.swarthmore.edu/~kwebb/), and one of my former students has code from my course in several public GitHub repositories. The user name of the student is 'wschnei1', [private]. The offending repositories are the ones named "lab5", "lab6", and "lab7". Much of the code for these labs was provided to the student, who was asked to fill in specific parts. The student was also told not to share the code publicly, be he appears to have done so anyway.
I have made multiple attempts to contact this student, but he has not responded to my emails. He's in a bit of a weird situation in which he is not currently on campus, but he hasn't graduated yet either, so I can't contact him in person as I would like to.
Ideally, these three repositories would be made private, which our department's policies allow. This is what many other students in our department have done, since you give free private repositories for educational code (thank you!).
If making the repositories private is not an option, then I would like them to be taken down altogether.
I'll go through each repository to identify code:
The infringing files are 1000lines, Makefile, lab5.c, lab5.h, lab5_receiver.c, and lab5_sender.c.
The other files (.bash_profile, .gitignore, README, and output) are not infringing.
(Note: This was an extension of lab 5, so the file names are basically the same.)
The infringing files are 1000lines, Makefile, lab6.c, lab6.h, lab6_receiver.c, and lab6_sender.c.
The other files (.gitignore, README, and output) are not infringing.
There is a ton of code in this repository. Most of it is a direct copy of the starter code that I provided. This includes everything in the directories http_server1, http_server2, pox, pox_module, and router, with the exception of some binary/object files that he committed for no apparent reason. In the root of the repository, this also includes everything except for README.md and ltprotocol-*
Much of the code is uninteresting boilerplate. The stuff that I really DON'T want to be online lives in 'router', in particular: sr_router.c and '' (the name of the file is just a backslash, and it appears to be a copy of sr_router.c).
You can contact me via...
Email: [private] OR [private]
Phone: [private]
Mail: Swarthmore College Computer Science Department 500 College Ave Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
Thank you! -Kevin
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.