I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice. I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law. I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
The GitHub repository Popetc/Coding-the-Matrix (at https://github.com/Popetc/Coding-the-Matrix), contains many files for which I am the copyright owner. The infringer's username is Popetc.
During a Coursera course I taught in 2013, "Coding the Matrix" (which is a trademark I own), I distributed these materials via Coursera to the students for their work in that course.
The materials include: (1) instructions (in pdf form), (2) support code, and (3) stencils for the students to fill in the answers.
In categories 1 and 2, the files are identical to my copyrighted files. In category 3, the files are nearly identical; they differ only in the fact that these files have the answers filled in. This is potentially damaging because students in the current Coursera course or in my Brown University course can look at these files and copy the answers. This undermines my ability to grade those students on their own ability.
The copyrighted material is as follows:
In 01.python_lab: python_lab.pdf, python_lab.py, submit_python_lab.py
In 02.inverse_index: dictutil.py, inverse_index_lab.pdf, inverse_index_lab.py, submit_inverse_index_lab.py.
In 03.hw0: hw0.pdf, hw0.py, submit_hw0.py
In 04.hw1: hw1.pdf, hw1.py, submit_hw1.py
In 05.vec: submit_vec.py, test_vec.py, vec.pdf, vec.py
In 06.politics_lab: politics_lab.pdf, politics_lab.py, submit_politics_lab.py
In 07.hw2: hw2.pdf, hw2.py, submit_hw2.py, vecutil.py
In Resources: GF2.py, image.py, plotting.py, vec.py
I ask that all of these files be removed from the public repository as soon as possible.
(signed) [private]