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COMMENT: This page does NOT even display properly. Apparently the ignorant THIEF did not know how to do this. However the page is iINDEXED on search engines and does COMPETE with my origonal page. The thief did not even list the sun-signs in the normal order
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*** The information in this notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I, [REDACTED], assert I am owner of the rights for the work listed below. ***
*** I further assert that I, in good faith, believe the use of the named content in question is unauthorized. ***
The work being used is copied (directly or indirectly) from: "What's Wrong with Members of 12 Sun-Signs but NOT You"
Author and Copyright Owner: [REDACTED]
[START od STOLEN Content]
Being the eternal optimists, they make most people leery with their incessant cheerfulness and sunny dispositions. The world's their personal merry-go-round, complete with all its frivolity and self- gratifying pleasures. Being so aloof, detached, even unreliable, frustrates others because they never know if they can count on you during emergencies, or otherwise when you really are needed. They're searching for that perfect person and you're not it! They spend a lifetime sampling all the goodies, opportunities and experiences presented to them just to make sure they don't miss out on that perfect ONE. That would be a tragic day, indeed!
These high climbing goats adore looking down from their mountain of mass achievements and send loving waves to all their old friends below. Plodding along methodically, Cappies remain ever focused on their goals, gradually and persistently reaching the top. They are generally worrywarts. Trapping themselves in their own little game of "validate my worth," they continue presenting a facade to a world that has more things to worry about than paying them homage. Who needs spontaneity, with its dreaded element of surprise, when you can have someone who will be the same today, tomorrow, the next day and the next day and the next day and the next
Don't waste your time and energy trying to figure out an Aquarian. They defy all logic and reason. They're not from our world and on the rare occasion they do decide to visit the rest of us here, their minds are still stuck somewhere we've never been, nor really care to go. You'll never understand them and they'll never understand you. Friend-oriented? Yes, but seldom are you a totally reliable friend, as too many have learned. Since your motivations/objectives change so suddenly and frequently, yesterday's pals may not 'fit' today's requirements and interests. You can always pick out an Aquarian in a crowd. They're the ones dressed a bit off, the one's trying out a new dance move they just invented, and the ones who could care less if you like it or not.
Poor confused fish! And like those underwater creatures, they often tend to 'swim' mainly in whatever directions the ever-changing currents favor. Your ability to deal with reality is seriously impaired -- or unused. You tend to see the real world either through rose-colored or darkly-tinted glasses; clear-view lenses are foreign to you. Living a fantasy life may be appealing to you but it exasperates those who would like to depend on (and help) you. They are honest, unselfish, and trustworthy, often with quiet dispositions. They can be overcautious and sometimes gullible. These qualities can cause the Pisces to be taken advantage of, which is unfortunate as this sign is beautifully gentle, and generous.
The noble, gallant warriors! The first sign of the zodiac and probably the fastest. Aries are always operating at a high speed, with a short attention span. Impatient and easily bored, they are sure to start a billion projects yet probably won't follow through with most of them. They love adventure and the thrill of the chase and love to play hard-to-get themselves. They are the most charming of all the signs, and they know it. If you want to make and keep your Aries happy, simply allow them to believe every great idea ever thought of was theirs and that the world would cease to exist without them in it. Pssssstt...don't worry, we can humor them, can't we?
Just like the bull, Taurus's are slow and steady. They live to indulge in the finer things: good food, clothes, comforts, sex, etc. They relish in routine, so don't try planning a surprise trip for your Taurus. It will not go well. They move at their own pace, and have their own order to things that only they understand. They are materialistic, smothering themselves with an over accumulation of glorious riches. Possessions happily anchor them to the earth. Watch for the horns: they are headstrong as all hell and will never admit if they were wrong. If you want to keep your Taurus happy, pour them another drink and let them be.
Flexible, balanced, and adaptable. Gemini's are used to multitasking. They can also be unpredictable, incongruous, and puzzling. They might tell you one thing and then go do the complete opposite. Gemini love to chase someone until their caught, and then "forget" they were ever interested. They can be scatter-brained but they are also versatile. They'll jump into any creative projects and quickly find it boring. They crave new adventures. Who a Gemini is depends on who they are at the moment. They are always trying to find themselves. The ever- changing cerebral air sign never sleeps, and never gives up on their current goals.
Super, super sensitive. You can get your feelings hurt with or even without a good reason. People tiptoe around you and tire of those 'cry-baby' tactics often used to get your way. Cancer-born individuals noting this revealing information are caring, loving persons whose talents for building family trust and security are sharply-honed. Yet they sacrifice themselves, expecting in return 'only' everyone's total dedication, complete love, and ongoing admiration. One of their greatest joys is making themselves visibly miserable in order to cause others to feel indebted. Their love smothers more often than uplifts. For the wounded souls, a nurturing Cancer will lovingly lick your wounds and coddle you senseless!
Vanity. It's all about their ego. They demand center-stage, applause, and encores. They are brave, intuitive, and also head-strong. Beneath their dynamic persona lies a generous, loving, sensitive nature that they do not easily share with others. They might be a bit bossy, but those who know them understand this comes from a source need to do good, not (usually) from an inflated ego. Their apparent interest in others is a clever gimmick to cover their insatiable pride and self- interest -- and their strong desire always to be the focal point of attention. Though they usually deserve the attention because they are truly talented stars.
To catch the attention of a Libra, woo them with praise, remove all mirrors, dress to the nines, smell delicious, and make sure not a hair's out of place. They accept nothing less. They are very high- maintenance. As their zodiac signs and meanings would indicate, Libra's are all about balance, justice, equanimity and stability. They easily surround themselves with harmony and beauty, but sometimes go to extremes to do so if their goals are unreasonable or unhealthy. As for marriage, rest assured that your languishing Libra has buried it nice and deep next to their late Uncle Ned. Libras are always searching for their perfect other half to complete their whole, yet, never feeling whole.
The Scorpio is often misunderstood. These personalities are bold and are capable of executing massive enterprises with cool control and confidence. They are determined folk that absolutely throw themselves into whatever they do -- but getting them to commit to something is rarely an easy task. In fact, it's better not to even try to "get them" to do anything. Vindictiveness is their everyday way of life. Scorpios almost never forget or forgive any wrong (actual or imagined) done you, and live for any opportunity to get even. You are caring and trustworthy individuals whose high morals and ideals are recognized by everyone you know as your lifelong 'trademark'.
Virgo's have keen minds, and are delightful to talk with, often convincing others of outlandish tales with ease and charm. Virgo's are inquisitive and are very skilled at drawing information from people. They can be nit-picky, workaholics, and clean freaks. Virgos are perfectionists--there's simply no escaping it. They dream of mastery; they long to do something really well. Some Virgos are so scared of their own perfectionist qualities that they tell themselves they don't care. They work well with others, although they freely express their opinions (even when unwarranted).
To catch the attention of a Libra, woo them with praise, remove all mirrors, dress to the nines, smell delicious, and make sure not a hair's out of place. They accept nothing less. They are very high- maintenance. As their zodiac signs and meanings would indicate, Libra's are all about balance, justice, equanimity and stability. They easily surround themselves with harmony and beauty, but sometimes go to extremes to do so if their goals are unreasonable or unhealthy. As for marriage, rest assured that your languishing Libra has buried it nice and deep next to their late Uncle Ned. Libras are always searching for their perfect other half to complete their whole, yet, never feeling whole.
[END of STOLEN content]
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