I would like to make the repository https://github.com/BobOui/epita_projects private. This repository is a fork of the repository “epita_project” I created on my account and suppressed after.
I created the repository “epita_project” one year ago on my github account “arkolos” to I share the code of my projects created during my school year (I’m a student). After a complaint from my school, I made this repository private in February and I supressed it a few days ago.
Since it’s the repository of all the projects I worked on during my school year, I’m the owner of most the code on it (I realized the commits from “marti_u” or “[PRIVATE]”) There is also some code from other persons I worked with when it was a team project, but not one of them is the one who made this fork (I asked them).
This user who made the fork didn’t change anything on the repository. I tried to contact him, but he didn’t answer. Is it possible to make this repository private, or supress it?
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