Date: October 8th, 2015
I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
XyCraft was and still is under development by myself (Soaryn) and Chickenbones and is proprietary.
It is a closed sourced project and is only licensed to allow use of the released binaries.
Code and or art assets are only licensed to be used in XyCraft, not derivative works unless explicitly given permission.
- All art assets with the exception to the "XyGlow" are direct copies of my work
- The naming of items and core components as well as the project name are exactly the same with no variation and are clearly cloned.
XyCraft, Xychorium, Xychoridite, etc.
- Code was claimed to be copied directly
"RenderTruncatedIcosahedron, ModelElectrolyzer, ModelEngineeringTable, ModelLiquidizer"
"written from scratch except the original block models and the original renderers" -
- Falsely leading users to believe that I and Chickenbones are working on this open source project
- '"authorList": ["\u00A76KitsuneAlex", "\u00A77(Soaryn)", "\u00A77(ChickenBones)"]'
This confuses users between the official version of XyCraft which is closed source and still being developed and this variation.
No code in XyCraft is open source or is licensed to others. Which suggests the mod was decompiled in order to gain access to any assets (code etc.) which is also against the license.
The claim of using parts of the original work "written from scratch except the original block models and the original renderers" -
Two options are permissible:
Removing the Project entirely
Changing all the Project to reflect that this is not in fact XyCraft:
Change all the naming to original ideas that are not a part of XyCraft. Preferably something not leading with 'Xy': The Project name, File names, ModID, language files, etc.
Remove any proprietary code that was claimed to be used.
Remove any art assets taken from XyCraft.
Remove released downloads that do not reflect these changes:
Regardless of which option is chosen: Send an Email to [PRIVATE] indicating that action has been taken to resolve the aforementioned issues.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.
License that was provided on the download page (the page host is expired):
-XyCraft is copyrighted material.
-It may only be downloaded from the links provided by me, and may not be redistributed in any form, modified or otherwise, without my express permission. All rights not explicitly granted are reserved.
-The original Idea of XyCraft is my own.
-The code is written by both Myself and ChickenBones, and one art asset was retextured slightly from Djohaal's interpretation of my items.
Directory that is believed to be of violation:
Source that is believed to being used:
Thank you
[The following is private]