Thank you for your response. In Broadcom's subsequent review, we have found another GitHub user ("Kyushim") who has improperly posted Broadcom's confidential and proprietary Wireless LAN driver source code. I am writing to request your assistance in expeditiously removing this offending content too.
The following directory contains numerous files that are Broadcom proprietary and confidential source code (which Kyushim does not have permission to distribute). https://github.com/kyuhsim/khsim_repository/tree/master/FutureSys/FutureProj_20141222/hg_clone/D700_wl. Upon our review, most of the files in this directory (and its sub-directories) are Broadcom proprietary and confidential. The following are a few representative examples:
Many of the Broadcom files contain headers clearly indicating that they contain Broadcom proprietary code that may not be disclosed to others. For example, https://github.com/kyuhsim/khsim_repository/blob/master/FutureSys/FutureProj_20141222/hg_clone/D700_wl/clm/include/wlc_clm.h contains the following text:
- Copyright (C) 2013, Broadcom Corporation
- All Rights Reserved.
- This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
- the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
- or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
- written permission of Broadcom Corporation.
Can you please remove all proprietary Broadcom Wireless LAN code from the https://github.com/kyuhsim/khsim_repository/tree/master/FutureSys/FutureProj_20141222/hg_clone/D700_wl directory and its various sub-directories from GitHub. This code is confidential and copyrighted, and Kyushim does not have Broadcom’s permission to distribute Broadcom’s proprietary code.
I have read and understand GitHub’s Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice. I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by Broadcom (i.e., the copyright owner), Broadcom’s agent, or the law. I swear under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am authorized to act on behalf of Broadcom (the copyright owner) regarding the infringing Broadcom proprietary code that was posted to GitHub.
Please direct any inquiries regarding this notice to me. I look forward to GitHub’s prompt response.
Broadcom Corporation
190 Mathilda Place
Sunnyvale, CA 94086