Attn: DMCA Agent
GitHub, Inc
88 Colin P Kelly Jr St
San Francisco, CA. 94107
My name is [private] of Nuance Communications, Inc. I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA notice.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner, with regard to exclusive rights in the following copyrighted works that are being infringed: Nuance source code, XT9 version 9.0.2.
I am requesting to take-down of the infringed, copyrighted works (Nuance source code, XT9 version 9.0.2), from the following GitHub sites:
- URL to the repository:
- URL to the first level directory where copyrighted materials can be seen: I have a good faith belief that use and publication of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law, and request immediate takedown.
Please let me know of any question or request for additional information.
Thank you,
Nuance Communications, Inc.
1111 Macarthur Blvd.
Mahwah, NJ 07430
W: [private]