Dear Github,
I have read the and understand Github¹s Guide to filling a DMA notice.
1st : our logo is used for this account, we have registered this at the logo registration.So it is illegal to use this logo without permission. =
The complete code has been used from 2013-02-15 =
The complete code has been used from 2015-04-23 , also our tekst is used
from our website: We are
not allowing github or any other user to take these texts without
permission. =
The complete code has been used from 2015-06-02 , also our tekst is used
from our website: =
The complete code has been used from 2015-04-08 , also our tekst is used
from our website: =
The complete code has been used from 2014-09-12 , also our tekst is used
from our website: =
The complete code has been used from 2015-05-07 , also our tekst is used
from our website: =
The complete code has been used from 2015-05-07 , also our tekst is used
from our website: =
The complete code has been used from 2015-03-26 , also our tekst is used
from our website:
For us, these are the most important cases we want to have offline from your website.
We have been creating these codes within our company, one of our employees [private] had entrance to these repositories and this is the result:). I would kindly like to ask you to close this account, our name is used, our code is used, our website teksts are used, our logo is used.
Since 29 march someone is opening up our code to the crowd. This is a big problem because of copyrights of our code.
All projects lead to our company page, and portfolio pages.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Met vriendelijke groet,