To whom it may concern:
"I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice."
Our copyrighted material; Isubpoena- Iphone, Isubpoena Android and Isubpoena Web portal were released publicly today by [Private] of [Private] in [Private]. We had hired him in 2014 to develop this system; we have paid for it and have the copyright filing for the product registered with the copyright office.
His services were hired and he performed them back in 2014 and 2015.
He is not the owner of the material and he is aware of that. We have contract documentation to proof that as well. Below is the link to our websites using and advertising the copyrighted materials;
Here are the copyright office links:,3&Search%5FArg=isub poena&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=I8ZAPD3GRqfE7Lbmrh-GI3dHkaH5c&SEQ=201605 11193114&SID=1,2&Search%5FArg=isub poena&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=I8ZAPD3GRqfE7Lbmrh-GI3dHkaH5c&SEQ=201605 11193114&SID=1,1&Search%5FArg=isub poena&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=I8ZAPD3GRqfE7Lbmrh-GI3dHkaH5c&SEQ=201605 11193114&SID=1
Here is the suspect [Private] Github account information and links to actual repository with copyrighted information;
Here is a link to our own Github account with these repositories and updated codes; they are the Project hitman accounts that are the ISubpoena repositories renamed.
We have already experienced a compromise with our ISubpoena server located at amazon AWS. It was determined that the publicly released API key was used to hack into our server.
Here is the Amazon support summary after their investigation:
Thank you for contacting AWS Premium support. I am [private] and It was a pleasure conversing with you today.
I understand that you were trying to know what has caused the account to be compromised.
We have found out that your Root access keys([Private]) were compromised. I See that you have deleted the compromised keys and created new keys and also have changed your password and activated MFA on your root account as a security measure.
We request that the repositories be deleted from [private]¹s Github account. We will be moving towards legal action.
My Contact Information:
Suspect information:
"I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law."
"I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."