Attn: DMCA Agent
88 Colin P. Kelly, Jr. Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
Subject: DMCA Notice - Copyright Claim
Dear DMCA Agent:
We represent Nintendo of America Inc. ("Nintendo") in intellectual property matters. Nintendo recently became aware that certain material posted on the web page located at infringes copyrights owned by Nintendo. This notice is being provided to you under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §512 ("DMCA").
Nintendo requests that GitHub disable public access to the web page located at, which provides access to software files that make unauthorized use of Nintendo of America Inc.'s copyrighted material from its Super Mario Bros. videogame (U.S. Copyright Reg. No. PA0000273028, supp. by PA0000547457), in violation of Nintendo's exclusive rights.
I have good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. I hereby state that the information herein is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am authorized to act on Nintendo of America Inc.'s behalf.
We would appreciate your expeditious removal of all infringing content. Please contact me immediately with any questions.
This letter is not intended to and shall not waive or prejudice any rights and remedies that Nintendo may have at law, in equity or otherwise. Any and all such rights and remedies are hereby expressly reserved.
Best regards,
Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP
3400 U.S. Bancorp Tower | 111 S.W. Fifth Avenue | Portland, Oregon 97204