We recently contracted with [private] of [private] to work on a project with us via [private]. [private] contacted our account manager for [private] and informed us that [private] had been banned from [private] for fraud.
Urgent news about your [private] freelancer
[private]Thursday at 14:45
Dear [private],
I’m writing about [private], whom you’ve been working with on the contract “[private]” My team has recently found compelling evidence linking this freelancer to fraudulent activity on [private]. To protect you and the rest of the [private] community, we have shut down this freelancer’s account and closed your contract with them. You will not be able to continue working with them on [private], and any pending payments to them will be reversed to you.
I realize this is very unexpected and apologize for the disruption to your business. My team will do everything we can to make it right, including finding you another freelancer who can finish or continue your contract. Please contact us [private] so a member of my team can help resolve your situation immediately.
We take your safety and security very seriously and appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Best regards,
[private]Saturday at 22:32
Hello [private],
Thank you for your response. We are writing to inform you that funds were reversed based on our final review of [private]'s account. Please note that in cases of fraud, abuse or violation of the User Agreement, the [private] Payment Guarantee shall be revoked and all monies due to the Contractor may be held and/or reclaimed, not just those from the contract(s) under review.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Once we had recieved and read the email we removed [private] from our private bitbucket project repo:
[private] contated us this morning via our business site displaying the stolen code and demanding money or he was going to post it on "social" whatever that is supposed to mean.
"You have a new message:
Via: http://www.evermedresearch.org/
Message Details:
Name [private]
Subject evermed owe $100 to [private]
Message The developer [private] worked with me in [private]. I have
developed the RESTful API method in his android google glass to rails
backend. It worked perfectly. but he didn't pay to me and closed the skype
contact. I will post his skype history to social so that people knows about
him and this company. I already published the source code in github
https://github.com/llvc/cprmetro/tree/master/cprmetro I wish you not to get
your company dirty by him. [private]
Sent on: 8 June, 2016
Thank you!"
Please remove our private code from you website and block [private]'s account.
"I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice."
"I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law."
"I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."