To whom it may concern. I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I represent the French company DEEZER S.A., trading internationally under the name and registered trademark "DEEZER", registration number n°495246308, with registered offices at 12 rue d'Athènes 75009 Paris (France).
Our company offers since 2012 an international music streaming service (, through free and paying services (the "Deezer Services"), with a formidable presence on the Internet and has acquired renown in the music industry and among Internet users.
Our company owns or is the licensee of the intellectual property in, notably, of the Deezer Services, the Deezer trademarks, the website and the corresponding mobile application "Deezer" available under iOS, Android and Windows systems. The Deezer Services as made available on the above mentioned website and mobile application, as well as our computer systems, servers and network are protected by extremely high level encryption.
Amongst other things, security is set as to prohibit any other use than those stipulated in our Terms and Conditions ( gu). Is prohibited notably the unauthorized download of music tracks.
It has come to our attention that a Github user, nickname "reversing-research" (, has published a project named "deezer-download" on your service : (, by which this Github user makes publicly available means to unlock the security over the streaming of music tracks of the Deezer Services, including the encryption key to such security, allowing therefore the unauthorised use and download on TOR of the music tracks of Deezer, in total violation of our rights and of the rights of the music licensors of Deezer (phonographic producers, performing artists, songwriters and composers).
Please see:
This user also promotes its findings on social networks and help other developers in using his findings.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
This user does not provide any contact details allowing us to communicate with him directly and privately.
Therefore, we demand that you immediately close the project named "deezer-download" and all of the related forks by other members, who have had access or even contributed to this project . If we do not receive adequate written assurance by November 4th 2016 that you will comply with these demands under threat of penalty, our company will seek all available remedies for your unlawful acts, including without limitation, injunctive relief in order to stop this Github user from publicly making available the "deezer-download" project's content on your service. We further demand that you immediately cease and desist such action.
The above is a brief description of the violations at stake, and is not meant to be a complete statement of our company's prejudice, rights and remedies in connection with the subject matter of this letter. All such rights and remedies are expressly reserved, including the rights and remedies of our licensors on the music tracks.
We look forward hearing you promptly.
12 rue d’Athènes
75009 Paris