Yes, I'm (with @CreeperFace - the owner and developper of plugins on the repository MineTox (PocketMine plugins).
The infigners got access to the repository, so they could > VIEW < and > HAVE the repository parts for THEIR OWN USE <. However, they didn't do that, and they put it on GitHub.
All files in plugins/ folder are infigned [private]
Every time, the whole repository infrigns parts of repository "MineTox"
Many Times, repositories names + READMEs contain very much inappropriate words (like the last one), some of it translated from Czech also means: F**k yourself [private], [private] = CreeperFace, John, you are crying, huh? How do you like your plugins being publicly shared on GitHub?
No, they ARE NOT in any open license. They were private.
No, there cannot be any other changes than just removal of the plugins.
No, I don't :(
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I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice.
Phone: [private]