06 / 05 / 2017
Sender Information:
Envato Market username: [private]
Email address: [private]
Recipient Information:
GitHub username: E-Learning Team elearningatbath
Sent via: Email
Re: DMCA Notification
- Rights Owner(s): RedPiThemes – C/O: [private]
- Rights Agent: RedPiThemes – C/O: [private]
- Infringed Rights: Copyright, Moral Rights
- Infringed Content(s): My Theme: https://themeforest.net/item/lambda-responsivemoodle-theme/9442816
- Infringing Activity: Copyright/Content Distribution.
The website in question https://github.com/elearningatbath/Lambda-Moodle-theme which is hosted in your server/network is illegally using original content, without explicit licensing or permission from the creator copyright holder or its copyright agent. - Infringing URLs:
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
I am asking for your immediate assistance in stopping this unauthorized activity. Specifically, I request that you remove the sites or the infringing links or content from your system, or that you disable access to the sites or the infringing links or content, and that you inform the site operator of the illegality of his or her conduct.
Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, if you ignore this notice, you and/or your company may also be liable for any resulting infringement. This letter does not constitute a waiver of any right to recover damages incurred by virtue of any such unauthorized activities, and such rights as well as claims for other relief are expressly retained. Should you require any further information regarding this matter, please contact me by email [private]
I await your response.
Kind regards,