I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice
PortSwigger Ltd is the copyright owner of Burp Suite Professional and as the [private] of Burp Suite Professional I am authorised to act on its behalf.
Burp Suite Professional is a suite of software tools used by information security professionals to test the security of web applications. An overview of the product can be found on our website here:
and release notes here
These files should be taken down as they are a cracked version of our product Burp Suite Professional and is therefore a direct copy of our work:
The files at the following forks should also be taken down as they are a cracked version of our product Burp Suite Professional and are therefore a direct copy of our work:
@0x24bin 0x24bin / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@Bgn91 Bgn91 / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@clshack clshack / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@coolbri914 coolbri914 / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@diggold diggold / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@diigu diigu / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@diorsman diorsman / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@drclean drclean / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@elbae elbae / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@harshkanakhara harshkanakhara / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@jingqiangliu jingqiangliu / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@kingsunLIN kingsunLIN / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@marcelopspereira marcelopspereira / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@mjain61 mjain61 / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@MuzammilAbbasKayani MuzammilAbbasKayani / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@MythRen MythRen / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@Nehti Nehti / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@NoorQureshi NoorQureshi / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@PapaKofi13 PapaKofi13 / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@pastorenue pastorenue / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@peterdocter peterdocter / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@rainser rainser / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@ranjankumarpatel ranjankumarpatel / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@Shakil1122 Shakil1122 / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@Test3lyn Test3lyn / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@thanatoskira thanatoskira / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@TheBlaCkCoDeR09 TheBlaCkCoDeR09 / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@ttwye ttwye / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@vijayarajsekar vijayarajsekar / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@wyixin wyixin / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@xujun10110 xujun10110 / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
@ziflar ziflar / latest-Burpsuite-Pro-v1.7.03-cracked-version
The work is not licensed under an open source license. The work is in violation of the license for Burp Suite Professional.
The only solution is removal of all the files and material at these locations:
We do not have the alleged infringers’ contact information.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law. I have taken fair use into consideration.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
I have read the Guide to Submitting a DMCA Takedown Notice: https://help.github.com/articles/guide-to-submitting-a-dmca-takedown-notice
My contact details are [private].
PortSwigger Web Security, [private].