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55 lines (38 loc) · 5.08 KB

I am the copyright holder of most of the code in this repository. This repository contains the major assignment for the course ECE 297 at the University of Toronto. The repository contains not only the code written by the student (and two teammates) to complete the assignment, but also the code written by the course teaching team [private] that provides the bulk of the assignment functionality. Leaving this repository online violates my copyright and that of the University of Toronto to the code created for the course. Having this repository public also encourages plagiarism by future students as 350 students a year take this course, and the course project is too complex to completely change each year -- hence being able to download a complete solution from a prior year encourages weaker students to copy, and harms those students who are completing the course in the proper way by creating their own solution.

The entire repository at is the course assignment. Code that was written by the teaching team [private] and is owned by the University of Toronto includes:
All files in
All files in

This constitutes the majority of the code in this repository, and at the minimum this code should be taken down.

The other source files in this repository were written for the course and many include smaller amounts of code written by the teaching team. These files also should not be published on a public website, so it would be best if the entire repository was taken down. The copyright status of these other source files is less clear as it was not completely written by the teaching team (but portions are copied from the skeleton files provided as part of the course). However, it is subject to the University of Toronto's policies on work submitted for credit in a course.

Have you searched for any forks of the allegedly infringing files or repositories? Each fork is a distinct repository and must be identified separately if you believe it is infringing and wish to have it taken down.

I have searched for forks but have not found any public ones.

This work is not licensed under an open source license. I maintain ownership of the copyrighted files.

What would be the best solution for the alleged infringement? Are there specific changes the other person can make other than removal?

Taking down the repository or making the repository private would both be acceptable.

Do you have the alleged infringer's contact information? If so, please provide it:

The infringer is [private], whose University of Toronto email is [private]. This email may not be current however, as [private] has now graduated.

I have emailed [private] on January 24, 2018 asking him to take down this repository or make it private, but have not heard a response. In case he is not checking his University of Toronto email, I have also filed an issue on this repository on January 25 with this content: "Your ECE 297 project is currently open for public viewing. This encourages plagiarism by future students, and violates the license of the code created by the course instructors which you have included with your project. Please make your repository private, or move it to another private site."
I have also not heard a response to this issue.

I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law. I have taken fair use into consideration.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Please confirm that you have you have read our Guide to Submitting a DMCA Takedown Notice:

I confirm I have read the Guide to Submitting a DMCA Takedown Notice at

So that we can get back to you, please provide either your telephone number or physical address:
University of Toronto
10 King's College Road
Toronto, ON
M4S 3G4

Please type your full legal name below to sign this request: