We Content Management Systems LLC. Copyright
enforcement agents of RCN TV, on behalf of our
clients reach out to you with the purpose of
reporting ongoing copyright violations that affect
our client's exclusive rights.
Your user http://futbollibre.online is not
authorized to publish, distribute or profit from
RCN TV´s content in the United States nor in any
other country. We have attempted to contact this
user many times, but have not yet received any
response to any of our past and present claims. We
contact you as the host, and hence responsible for
the illegal distribution of our content and ask
for your immediate cooperation.
http://futbollibre.online's actions are in
complete violation of our clients copyrights as
well as the rules specified by your company's
copyrights violation policies and the laws
considered under the Digital Millennium Copyright
Act (DMCA).
Therefore we hereby request the immediate
takedown of the content published by the user.
This request is made in order to avoid further
financial damages to our clients and prevent
unnecessary legal actions.
URL's found in copyright violation:
We thank you in advance for your assistance,
and once again request that you please immediately
discontinue to host the reported content.
"I hereby state that I have a good faith belief
that the disputed use of the copyrighted material
is not authorized by the copyright owner, its
agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use)."
"I hereby and under penalty of perjury state,
that the information in this notice is accurate,
that I am the owner, or am authorized to act on
behalf of the owner of the copyright that is