Dear Team,
Thanks for the reply. In view of the email received by you we are sending the present notice as under, while clarifying that the complaints made on your website is by the same person who is mentioned at the bottom of this complaint and is also kept in cc of this mail throughout. Therefore the same may be treated as one complaint notice.
We are acting as the atttorneys and advocates on behalf of the Complainant company, namely, Myntra designs Private Limited represented by [private], incorporated under the laws of Republic of India. We state that the under-mentioned details and the data put up in the form of the URL mentioned hereunder are sole property of the Complainant.
The website of the Complainant can be found by simply searching on google as it is one of the most reputed e-commerce platforms in India and worldwide with Flipkart being its parent company. That one of the ex-employees namely [private] have illegally posted and published the proprietary software source codes of the Complainant on your website which can be found on the URL given under
The proprietary software source codes of the Complainant have been illegally published on your website which can be found on the URL given under:
The entire repository of the aforementioned link is infringing the rights of the Complainant as the Complainant is the sole owner of the same and therefore is required to be taken down immediately.
The sequence of the proprietary software source codes on the aforementioned page also clearly shows that the code pertains to the Complainant namely, Myntra. The entire repository and URL should be taken down immediately.
The aforementioned data on the said URL is infringing the rights of the Complainant. The said code published on your site/ page is proprietary and confidential, therefore, clearly depicting the fact that the same has been posted after either hacking into Complainant's systems or by way of illegal/ unlawful theft; and the publication of the Complainant's source code on an open sourcing platform such as yours is of grave concern to the Complainant whose codes are now vulnerable to duplication, hacking, copying and can cause considerable financial loss to the Complainant Company.
The source codes uploaded and published are solely owned by the Complainant and hence such publication violates its rights.
Removal and No other option would be effective.
The same is suspected to be done by [private], as the code was uploaded with the ID named [private] as the link and the repository clearly states the same (MohitJainRepo)
Details of the Complainant is as under:
Myntra Designs Private Limited through [private]
Telephone number: [private]
Address: [private]
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law. I have taken fair use into consideration.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Thanks & Regards