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1 | Category | Old Attribute | New Attribute |
2 | Aqueduct | kube_cluster | k8s.cluster.name |
3 | Aqueduct | kube_app | k8s.app.name |
4 | Aqueduct | kube_pod_namespace | k8s.pod.namespace |
5 | Aqueduct | kube_pod | k8s.pod.name |
6 | Aqueduct | kube_pod_ip | k8s.pod.ip |
7 | Aqueduct | current_ref | aqueduct.ref |
8 | Aqueduct | cluster | aqueduct.cluster.name |
9 | Aqueduct Bridge | current_ref | aqueduct-bridge.ref |
10 | Pull Requests | pull | gh.pull_request.id |
11 | Pull Requests | pull_valid | gh.pull_request.valid |
12 | Pull Requests | pull_saved | gh.pull_request.saved |
13 | Pull Requests | pull_errors | gh.pull_request.errors |
14 | Pull Requests | issue_valid | gh.issue.valid |
15 | Pull Requests | issue_saved | gh.issue.saved |
16 | Pull Requests | issue_errors | gh.issue.errors |
17 | Viewscreen | action | gh.viewscreen.action |
18 | Viewscreen | format | gh.viewscreen.format |
19 | gitcoin/billing | business_id | gh.business.id |
20 | gitcoin/billing | failed_event | code.namespace |
21 | gitcoin/billing | job | gh.job.name |
22 | gitcoin/billing | customer_id | gh.customer.id |
23 | gitcoin/billing | product | gh.product.name |
24 | gitcoin/billing | legacy | gh.billing.legacy.status |
25 | gitcoin/billing | purpose | gh.billing.synchronization.purpose |
26 | gitcoin/billing | user_id | gh.user.id |
27 | gitcoin/billing | plan_name | gh.plan.name |
28 | gitcoin/billing | attempts_per_exception | gh.job.attempt.count |
29 | gitcoin/billing | account_id | gh.billing.zuora_account.id |
30 | gitcoin/billing | owner_id | gh.user.id |
31 | gitcoin/billing | asset_status_id | gh.asset_status.id |
32 | gitcoin/billing | user | gh.user.id |
33 | gitcoin/billing | billing_transaction_id | gh.billing.transaction.id |
34 | gitcoin/billing | twirp_error_code | http.status.code |
35 | gitcoin/billing | name | http.method |
36 | gitcoin/billing | user | gh.target.id |
37 | gitcoin/billing | business | gh.business.id |
38 | gitcoin/billing | results | gh.billing.plan_subscription.synchronization.results |
39 | gitcoin/billing | zuora_account_id | gh.billing.zuora_account.id |
40 | gitcoin/billing | message | gh.billing.result.error_message |
41 | gitcoin/billing | message | gh.billing.zuora.result.error_message |
42 | gitcoin/billing | name | code.function |
43 | gitcoin/billing | stripe_transfer_id | gh.billing.stripe_transfer.id |
44 | gitcoin/billing | account_id | gh.account.id |
45 | gitcoin/billing | account_type | gh.account.type |
46 | gitcoin/billing | subscription_item_id | gh.billing.subscription_item.id |
47 | gitcoin/billing | target | gh.target.id |
48 | gitcoin/billing | processor | code.namespace |
49 | gitcoin/billing | zuora_invoice_id | gh.billing.zuora_invoice.id |
50 | gitcoin/billing | zuora_error_result | gh.billing.zuora.result |
51 | gitcoin/billing | invoice_id | gh.billing.zuora.invoice.id |
52 | gitcoin/billing | adjustment_amount | gh.billing.zuora.invoice_adjustment.amount |
53 | gitcoin/billing | adjustments | gh.billing.zuora.adjustments |
54 | gitcoin/billing | message | gh.billing.braintree.response.message |
55 | gitcoin/billing | gh.user.login | gh.user.id |
56 | gitcoin/billing | gh.billing.billable_entity.name | gh.billing.billable_entity.id |
57 | notebooks | repository_id | gh.repo.id |
58 | notebooks | commit | gh.git.sha |
59 | notebooks | browser | browser.brands |
60 | notebooks | version | browser.brands |
61 | notebooks | kube_cluster_name | k8s.cluster.name |
62 | notebooks | path | url.path |
63 | notebooks | is_iframe | gh.notebooks.is_iframe |
64 | notebooks | source | gh.notebooks.error.source |
65 | notebooks | repository_type | gh.notebooks.repo_type |
66 | notebooks | view_type | gh.notebooks.view_type |
67 | notebooks | LFS | gh.notebooks.LFS |
68 | notebooks | bypass_fastly | gh.notebooks.bypass_fastly |
69 | notebooks | fastly-cache-hit | gh.notebooks.fastly_cache_hit |
70 | notebooks | codeload_response | gh.notebooks.codeload.response |
71 | notebooks | codeload_status_code | gh.notebooks.codeload.status |
72 | notebooks | language | gh.notebooks.notebook.language |
73 | notebooks | visibility | gh.notebooks.notebook.visibility |
74 | notebooks | file_size | gh.notebooks.notebook.size |
75 | notebooks | notebook_version | gh.notebooks.notebook.version |
76 | Pull Requests | method | gh.pull_request.merge_method |
77 | Pull Requests | head_oid | gh.pull_request.head_oid |
78 | Pull Requests | base_oid | gh.pull_request.base_oid |
79 | Pull Requests | root_oid | gh.pull_request.root_oid |
80 | Pull Requests | comment_id | gh.comment.id |
81 | Pull Requests | user_id | gh.owner.id |
82 | Pull Requests | force_pushed | gh.pull_request.force_pushed |
83 | Pull Requests | pusher | gh.pull_request.pusher.id |
84 | Pull Requests | ref_name | gh.merge_queue.ref_name_suffix |
85 | Pull Requests | ref_sha | gh.merge_queue.ref_sha |
86 | Pull Requests | gh.merge_queue.branch | gh.merge_queue.id |
87 | Pull Requests | queue_id | gh.merge_queue.id |
88 | Pull Requests | record_errors | gh.merge_queue.record_errors |
89 | Pull Requests | new_head_ref | gh.pull_request.new_head_ref |
90 | Pull Requests | job_id | gh.pull_request.job.id |
91 | Pull Requests | spec | gh.repo.dgit_spec |
92 | Pull Requests | thread | gh.pull_request_review_thread.id |
93 | Pull Requests | reason_code | gh.pull_request.reason_code |
94 | Pull Requests | auto_merge_request_id | gh.auto_merge_request.id |
95 | Pull Requests | solo | gh.auto_merge_request.solo |
96 | Pull Requests | jump_queue | gh.auto_merge_request.jump_queue |
97 | Pull Requests | head_repo_id | gh.pull_request.head_repo.id |
98 | Pull Requests | branch | gh.merge_queue.branch |
99 | Pull Requests | guid | gh.pull_request.guid |
100 | Pull Requests | fn | code.namespace,code.function |
101 | Pull Requests | organization | gh.organization |
102 | Pull Requests | result | gh.merge_queue.result |
103 | Pull Requests | feature_flag | gh.merge_queue.feature_flag |
104 | Pull Requests | plan_support | gh.merge_queue.plan_support |
105 | Pull Requests | github_owned | gh.merge_queue.github_owned |
106 | Pull Requests | direct_compare | gh.pull_request.comparison.direct |
107 | Pull Requests | head_ref_valid | gh.pull_request.head_ref.valid |
108 | Pull Requests | comparison_viewable | gh.pull_request.comparison.viewable |
109 | Pull Requests | comparison_valid | gh.pull_request.comparison.valid |
110 | Pull Requests | pull_valid | gh.pull_request.valid |
111 | Pull Requests | pull_saved | gh.pull_request.saved |
112 | Pull Requests | pull_errors | gh.pull_request.errors |
113 | API | accept | http.request.header.accept |
114 | API | api_route | http.route |
115 | API | auth_fingerprint | gh.auth.fingerprint |
116 | API | auth | gh.auth.type |
117 | API | connections | gh.db.connection_map |
118 | API | content_authorization_failure | gh.auth.failure.name |
119 | API | controller | code.namespace |
120 | API | critical | gh.exception.is_critical |
121 | API | current_user | gh.actor.id |
122 | API | granted_oauth_scopes | enduser.scope |
123 | API | graphql_current_field | gh.graphql.current_field |
124 | API | graphql_current_path | gh.graphql.current_path |
125 | API | graphql_global_id_type | gh.graphql.global_id_type |
126 | API | graphql_query_hash | gh.graphql.query_hash |
127 | API | graphql_schema_target | gh.graphql.schema_target |
128 | API | graphql_variables_hash | gh.graphql.variables_hash |
129 | API | graphql | gh.request.is_graphql |
130 | API | installation_id | gh.integration_installation.id |
131 | API | integration_id | gh.integration.id |
132 | API | integration | gh.integration.id |
133 | API | is_employee | gh.user.is_employee |
134 | API | is_protected_by_hmac | gh.api.is_protected_by_hmac |
135 | API | language | http.request.header.accept_language |
136 | API | limited_index | gh.rate_limit.secondary.search_index |
137 | API | limited_key | gh.rate_limit.secondary.key |
138 | API | limited_limit | gh.rate_limit.secondary.max |
139 | API | limited_ttl | gh.rate_limit.secondary.ttl |
140 | API | limited | gh.rate_limit.secondary.limit_reason |
141 | API | master_pid | process.parent_pid |
142 | API | master_started_at | gh.process.parent.started_at |
143 | API | method | http.method |
144 | API | oauth_access_id | gh.oauth.access.id |
145 | API | oauth_app | gh.oauth.app.id |
146 | API | oauth_application_id | gh.oauth.app.id |
147 | API | oauth_party | gh.oauth.app.party_type |
148 | API | oauth_scopes | enduser.scope |
149 | API | operation_name | graphql.operation.name |
150 | API | org | gh.organization.login |
151 | API | origin | gh.graphql.origin |
152 | API | params | http.request.parameters.* |
153 | API | parent_installation_id | gh.parent_installation.id |
154 | API | path_info | http.path |
155 | API | private_repo | gh.repo.is_private |
156 | API | query_owning_catalog_service | gh.graphql.catalog_service |
157 | API | query_string | http.query |
158 | API | rails | rails.version |
159 | API | rate_limit_family | gh.rate_limit.primary.family |
160 | API | rate_limit_key | gh.rate_limit.primary.key |
161 | API | rate_limit_remaining | gh.rate_limit.primary.remaining |
162 | API | rate_limit_reset | gh.rate_limit.primary.reset |
163 | API | rate_limit_used | gh.rate_limit.primary.used |
164 | API | rate_limit | gh.rate_limit.primary.max |
165 | API | referrer_controller_action | gh.graphql.referrer.controller_action |
166 | API | repo_id | gh.repo.id |
167 | API | request_category | gh.request.category |
168 | API | request_id | gh.request_id |
169 | API | request_wait_time | gh.request.wait_duration |
170 | API | requested_api_version | gh.api.requested_version |
171 | API | requested_at | gh.request.start_time |
172 | API | robot | gh.robot.type |
173 | API | route | http.route |
174 | API | selected_api_version_reason | gh.api.selected_version_reason |
175 | API | selected_api_version | gh.api.selected_version |
176 | API | server_id | service.instance.id |
177 | API | time | gh.exception.create_time |
178 | API | twirp_client_name | peer.service |
179 | API | twirp_client | peer.service |
180 | API | twirp_handler_class | rpc.service |
181 | API | twirp_rpc_method | rpc.method |
182 | API | unconverted_path | gh.api.is_unconverted_path |
183 | API | url_pattern | gh.graphql.referrer.http.route |
184 | API | user_agent | http.request.header.user_agent |
185 | API | user_programmatic_access_id | gh.user_programmatic_access.id |
186 | API | version | gh.api.version |
187 | API | viewer | gh.graphql.viewer.id |
188 | API | worker_pid | process.pid |
189 | API | worker_request_count | http.server.request.count |
190 | API | worker_started_at | gh.process.started_at |
191 | API | x_forwarded_for | http.request.header.x_forwarded_for |
192 | API | x_real_ip | http.request.header.x_real_ip |
193 | API | tenant | gh.tenant.id |
194 | API | user | gh.user.id |
195 | API | current_user | gh.actor.id |
196 | API | current_user | gh.actor.login |
197 | API | org | gh.organization.id |
198 | API | org | gh.organization.login |
199 | API | viewer | gh.graphql.viewer.id |