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1 | Category | Old Attribute | New Attribute |
2 | API | reason | gh.api.error_reason |
3 | API | resource | gh.api.resource_type |
4 | API | graphql | gh.api.graphql |
5 | API | graphql_time | graphql.time |
6 | API | graphql_query_byte_size | graphql.query.byte_size |
7 | API | graphql_variables_byte_size | graphql.variables.byte_size |
8 | API | graphql_operation_name | graphql.operation.name |
9 | API | graphql_origin | graphql.origin |
10 | API | graphql_success | graphql.success |
11 | API | graphql_query_depth | graphql.query.depth |
12 | API | graphql_query_complexity | graphql.query.complexity |
13 | API | graphql_schema | graphql.schema |
14 | API | graphql_query_hash | graphql.query.hash |
15 | API | graphql_variables_hash | graphql.variables.hash |
16 | API | graphql_query_name | graphql.query.name |
17 | API | graphql_operation_id | graphql.operation.id |
18 | Repos | rename_id | gh.branch_protection_rule.repository_branch_renamer.id |
19 | Repos | end_date | gh.repo.purge.end_date |
20 | Repos | deleted_count | gh.repo.mirror.deleted_count |
21 | CodeScanning | pull_request_id | gh.pull_request.id |
22 | CodeScanning | pull_request_number | gh.pull_request.number |
23 | CodeScanning | pull_request_head | gh.pull_request.head_sha |
24 | CodeScanning | alerts_count | gh.code_scanning.alert.count |
25 | CodeScanning | file_path | gh.code_scanning.alert.file_path |
26 | CodeScanning | alert_number | gh.code_scanning.alert.number |
27 | CodeScanning | category | gh.code_scanning.analysis.category |
28 | CodeScanning | check_run_id | gh.check_run.id |
29 | CodeScanning | alerts_in_the_diff | gh.code_scanning.diff.alerts.in |
30 | CodeScanning | alerts_out_the_diff | gh.code_scanning.diff.alerts.out |
31 | CodeScanning | onboarding_comment_posted | gh.code_scanning.onboarding_comment.posted |
32 | CodeScanning | onboarding_comments_count | gh.code_scanning.onboarding_comments.count |
33 | CodeScanning | tool_name | gh.code_scanning.tool |
34 | CodeScanning | code_scanning_review_comment | gh.code_scanning.review_comment.id |
35 | CodeScanning | head_commit_oid | gh.pull_request.head_sha |
36 | CodeScanning | merge_commit_oid | gh.pull_request.merge_sha |
37 | CodeScanning | checkrun_previously_completed | gh.check_run.previously_completed |
38 | CodeScanning | job_reason | gh.code_scanning.job.reason |
39 | CodeScanning | time_in_secs | gh.code_scanning.job.time |
40 | CodeScanning | code_scanning_check_suite | gh.check_suite.id |
41 | CodeScanning | base_ref_name | gh.pull_request.base_ref.name |
42 | CodeScanning | pull_request_old | gh.pull_request.id.old |
43 | CodeScanning | pull_request_new | gh.pull_request.id.new |
44 | CodeScanning | repo_nwo | gh.repo.nwo |
45 | CodeScanning | skip_check_runs | gh.code_scanning.skip_check_runs |
46 | CodeScanning | refs | git.refs |
47 | CodeScanning | ref | git.ref |
48 | CodeScanning | commit_oid | git.commit.oid |
49 | CodeScanning | sarif_size | gh.code_scanning.sarif.size |
50 | CodeScanning | sarif_id | gh.code_scanning.sarif.id |
51 | CodeScanning | sarif_uri | gh.code_scanning.sarif.uri |
52 | CodeScanning | old_base_ref | gh.pull_request.base_ref.old |
53 | CodeScanning | new_base_ref | gh.pull_request.base_ref.new |
54 | CodeScanning | replication_lag | gh.freno.replication_delay |
55 | CodeScanning | key | gh.kv.key |
56 | External Identities | external_id | gh.external_identities.external_id |
57 | External Identities | oid | gh.external_identities.oid |
58 | External Identities | refresh_token | gh.external_identities.refresh_token |
59 | External Identities | gh.external_identities.email | |
60 | External Identities | type | gh.external_identities.type |
61 | External Identities | key | gh.external_identities.cache_key |
62 | External Identities | body | gh.external_identities.cache_body |
63 | External Identities | expires | gh.external_identities.cache_expires |
64 | External Identities | cap_message | gh.external_identities.cap_message |
65 | External Identities | token_url | gh.external_identities.token_url |
66 | External Identities | credential_auth_org_id | gh.external_identities.credential_auth_org_id |
67 | External Identities | credential_auth_exists_for_target_org | gh.external_identities.credential_auth_exists_for_target_org |
68 | External Identities | resource_type | gh.external_identities.resource_type |
69 | External Identities | can_self_identify_internal_or_public | gh.external_identities.can_self_identify_internal_or_public |
70 | Memex | column_id | gh.memex.column.id |
71 | Memex | class_name | code.namespace |
72 | Memex | actor_id | gh.actor.id |
73 | Memex | project_item_id | gh.memex.item.id |
74 | Memex | value | gh.memex.column.value |
75 | Memex | result | gh.memex.column.update_result |
76 | Memex | memex_id | gh.memex.id |
77 | Memex | ns | code.namespace |
78 | Memex | fn | code.function |
79 | Memex | result | gh.job.result |
80 | Memex | on_tasklist_waitlist | gh.memex.tasklist_waitlist |
81 | Memex | id | gh.membership.id |
82 | Memex | member_id | gh.membership.member.id |
83 | Notifyd | subject_type | gh.notifyd.subject.type |
84 | Webhooks | file | code.filepath |
85 | Webhooks | catalog_service | gh.catalog_service |
86 | Webhooks | request_id | gh.request_id |
87 | Webhooks | fn | code.namespace & code.function |
88 | Webhooks | event | gh.webhook.event_type |
89 | Webhooks | action | gh.webhook.action |
90 | Webhooks | method | code.function |
91 | Webhooks | event_type | gh.webhook.event_type |
92 | Webhooks | model_name | code.namespace |
93 | Webhooks | id | gh.webhook.id |
94 | Webhooks | push_sha | gh.webhook.push_sha |
95 | Webhooks | parent | gh.webhook.parent |
96 | Webhooks | guid | gh.webhook.delivery_guid |
97 | Webhooks | hook_ids | gh.webhooks |
98 | Webhooks | repo_id | gh.repo.id |
99 | Webhooks | org_id | gh.org.id |
100 | Webhooks | user_id | gh.user.id |
101 | Webhooks | webhook_delivery_id | gh.webhook.delivery_guid |
102 | Webhooks | repo_database_id | gh.repo.id |
103 | Webhooks | repo_global_id | gh.repo.global_id |
104 | Webhooks | event_at | gh.webhook.reminder_event.event_at |
105 | Webhooks | event_type_db | gh.webhook.reminder_event.event_type_db |
106 | Webhooks | personal | gh.webhook.reminder_event.reminder_event.personal |
107 | Webhooks | pull_request_ids | gh.pull_request.id |
108 | Webhooks | pull_request_ids_for_author | pull_request_ids_for_author |
109 | Webhooks | actor_id | gh.actor.id |
110 | Webhooks | actor_login | gh.actor.login |
111 | Webhooks | user_login | gh.user.login |
112 | Webhooks | path | code.filepath |
113 | Webhooks | enterprise | gh.webhook.is_enterprise |
114 | Webhooks | job | gh.job.name |
115 | Webhooks | class | exception.type |
116 | Webhooks | payload_size | gh.webhook.payload_size |
117 | Webhooks | target_repository_nwo | gh.repo.name_with_owner |
118 | Webhooks | target_repository_id | gh.repo.id |
119 | Webhooks | target_organization_id | gh.org.id |
120 | Webhooks | target_organization_name | gh.org.name |
121 | Scheduled Reminders | transaction_id | gh.scheduled_reminders.transaction_id |
122 | Camo | request_id | gh.request.id |
123 | Camo | hmac | gh.camo.request_hmac |
124 | Camo | url | gh.camo.encoded_url |
125 | Camo | referer | gh.request.referer |
126 | Camo | error | gh.camo.error |
127 | Camo | dns-time | gh.camo.dns.time |
128 | Camo | resp | gh.camo.upstream.response |
129 | Camo | len | gh.camo.upstream.response.content_length |
130 | Camo | request | gh.camo.upstream.request_buf |
131 | Camo | response | gh.camo.upstream.response_buf |
132 | Camo | code | gh.camo.upstream.response.code |
133 | Camo | resp | gh.camo.response |
134 | Camo | ctype | gh.camo.upstream.response.content_type |
135 | Camo | pem | gh.camo.certfile.name |
136 | Notifications | fn | code.function |
137 | Notifications | id | gh.notifications.rollup_summary.id |
138 | Notifications | fn | code.function |
139 | repo migration | fn | code.namespace |
140 | repo migration | migration_guid | gh.repo_migration.migration_guid |
141 | repo migration | source_url | gh.repo_migration.model_source_url |
142 | repo migration | resolution | gh.repo_migration.resolution |
143 | repo migration | model_name | gh.repo_migration.model_name |
144 | repo migration | migratable_resource_id | gh.repo_migration.migratable_resource_id |
145 | repo migration | model_id | gh.repo_migration.model_id |
146 | repo migration | source_owner | gh.repo_migration.source_owner |
147 | repo migration | source_repository | gh.repo_migration.source_repository |
148 | repo migration | target_url | gh.repo_migration.model_target_url |
149 | repo migration | translator_url | gh.repo_migration.model_translator_url |
150 | repo migration | state | gh.repo_migration.model_state |
151 | repo migration | asset_storage | gh.repo_migration.asset_storage.type |
152 | repo migration | asset_type | gh.repo_migration.asset_storage.asset_type |
153 | repo migration | asset_id | gh.repo_migration.asset_storage.asset_id |
154 | repo migration | http_response_code | gh.repo_migration.asset_storage.http_response_code |
155 | repo migration | field | gh.repo_migration.field |
156 | repo migration | state | gh.repo_migration.state |
157 | repo migration | url | gh.repo_migration.repository.repository_url |
158 | repo migration | validation_error | validation_error |
159 | repo migration | code | code |