Update nodejs.yml
Update nodejs.yml
4 days ago
Bump the npm_and_yarn group with 2 updates
Bump the npm_and_yarn group with 2 updates
Deleted branch
Bump the npm_and_yarn group with 2 updates
Bump the npm_and_yarn group with 2 updates
Bump body-parser from 1.20.0 to 1.20.3 in the npm_and_yarn group
Bump body-parser from 1.20.0 to 1.20.3 in the npm_and_yarn group
Bump ws and
Bump ws and
Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6
Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6
fix clicking on inner elements in button
fix clicking on inner elements in button
allow clicking on svgs in buttons
allow clicking on svgs in buttons
Deleted branch
Bump from 4.2.1 to 4.2.4
Bump from 4.2.1 to 4.2.4