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[Schema Inaccuracy] <Describe Problem> #419

[Schema Inaccuracy] <Describe Problem>

[Schema Inaccuracy] <Describe Problem> #419

name: Check for Spammy Issues
# **What it does**: This action closes low value pull requests in the open-source repository.
# **Why we have it**: We get lots of spam in the open-source repository.
# **Who does it impact**: Open-source contributors.
types: [opened]
name: Remove issues with spammy titles
if: github.repository == 'github/rest-api-description'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/github-script@2b34a689ec86a68d8ab9478298f91d5401337b7d
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
script: |
const issue = context.payload.issue
const owner = 'github'
const repo = 'rest-api-description'
let titleWordCount = 0
if (issue.title) {
titleWordCount = issue.title.trim().split(' ').length
const titleWordCountMin = 3
let body = issue.body.replace(/<\!---.*?-->/g, "");
body = body.replace(/^\s*(#)\s*(.+?)\s*\n/gm, "");
let bodyWordCount = 0
if (body) {
bodyWordCount = body.trim().split(' ').length
const bodyWordCountMin = 6
if (issue.title.trim().startsWith('[Schema Inaccuracy] <Describe Problem>')) {
titleWordCount = bodyWordCount = 0;
try {
await github.teams.getMembershipForUserInOrg({
org: 'github',
team_slug: 'employees',
username: context.payload.sender.login,
// Do not perform this workflow with GitHub employees. This return
// statement only gets hit if the user is a GitHub employee
} catch (err) {
// An error will be thrown if the user is not a GitHub employee
// If a user is not a GitHub employee, we should check to see if title has at least the minimum required number of words in it and if it does, we can exit the workflow
if (titleWordCount >= titleWordCountMin) {
if (bodyWordCount >= bodyWordCountMin) {
// Assuming the user is not a GitHub employee and the issue title or body
// does not contain the minimum number of words required, proceed.
// Close the issue and add the invalid label
await github.issues.update({
owner: owner,
repo: repo,
issue_number: issue.number,
labels: ['invalid'],
state: 'closed'
// Comment on the issue
await github.issues.createComment({
owner: owner,
repo: repo,
issue_number: issue.number,
body: `[This is an automated message] This issue may have been opened accidentally. I'm going to close it now, but feel free to open a new issue with a more descriptive title and body.`