- Cloud Native Podcast on Gitpod CLI with Lou Bichard
- Developing Drupal websites in the cloud using Gipod by Stephen Musgrave
- Exploring the DBT project work environment with Gitpod by Briteflux
- The Wonder of Gitpod by Niall McKenna
- 2023 is over... by Jean-Phi Baconnais
- Gitpod ClI Cheatsheet by Jean-Phi Baconnais
- The modern SaaS-Startup Tech Stack by hubql
- Configure your app and data for Continuous Delivery with Netlify by aiven
- Vi får lettere tilgang til gode kandidater by kode24
- Was sind RDEs? by Cloudomation
- Python Debugging with Visual Studio Code / Gitpod.io by Firhanmaulanarusli
- SnowCamp 2024 with Thierry Chantier and Stéphane Philippart
- Flipt Contributors can now use Gitpod for free! [1]
- Patricio launched Mingle JS - a helper to use Vue/React components in a Laravel Livewire or Filament PHP app, all in Gitpod [2]
- Bikram Dahal (CTO at Docsumo) highlighted Gitpod in his favourite tools list for 2023 [3]
- The OpenCopilot team launched opencopilot-sdk with a Gitpod integration [4]
- Saurav showed us how to develop on the go with Gitpod / DrupalPod [5]