What was covered:
- Installer demo by Simon Emms
- Self-hosted-specific questions
- Questions from the community
- Extra Resources
Q: How is this different to self-hosted guides?
The Installer is used to install/upgrade Gitpod. It first came about as an internal RFC to solve the problem of how complicated it can get installing/upgrading Gitpod which causes friction in the SaaS development/deployment process and releasing self-hosted. This is still evolving!
Self-hosted guides create the infrastructure in X cloud service. See the docs for that here.
Q: Are we still on track for planned self-hosted licensing changes to officially land alongside the new installer with version 0.11.0? Related to that, any updates on charging only for "active users"?
Improving our self-hosted licensing is a focus in Q1 2022. Please follow this issue. Suggestions by the community included checking out Terraform's pricing model for Enterprise customers.
Q: Incremental prebuilds - how does it work, how different it is from regular prebuilds?
Changelog "announcement": https://www.gitpod.io/changelog/faster-incremental-prebuilds
We need to get this documented!
Q: Project-environment-variables and public repos.
No update on this issue. But keep an eye out! gitpod-io/gitpod#4456
Q: Is "being public" something that's well ingrained and accepted, leaving only room for improvement, or are there like recurring doubts / chances that it's going to change anytime soon? w do you live the experience of working in public, being transparent? Any enlightening moments you'd like to share?
We're definitely not moving away from being in public! But there are aspects perhaps internally that we need to do a bit more of these sorts of things to show off what we do in public.
Other links shared:
- https://discord.com/channels/816244985187008514/885406100436951080/920337780385665104
- https://discord.com/channels/816244985187008514/885406100436951080/920357196557086720
Q: I miss zsh (and my local config!) on my Gitpod workspaces: is work on gitpod-io/gitpod#5198 going well / any spoilers?
Nothing else apart from everything shared in that issue. We would love it too! 💜
Other links shared:
- https://github.com/gitpod-io/roadmap/projects/1
- https://github.com/gitpod-io/roadmap/issues/21
- gitpod-io/gitpod#5198
- https://gitpod.notion.site/dotfiles-in-Gitpod-workspaces-b46b8723e9fe4efdbede72daa311961f
Q:When are we getting a Singapore cluster?
We're actively looking at this! There are a few technical considerations from our side, keep updated here: gitpod-io/gitpod#5534