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image-builder-mk3 is a service that runs in meta clusters, which provides APIs to create and list workspace image builds, resolve workspace docker image references, and listen to build updates and logs.

Once completed, #7845 will move image-builder-mk3 (and image builds) from meta to workspace clusters.

The following diagram shows what happens during a workspace image build. See the (internal) Architecture page for more details.



  • API definitions can be found here
  • Installer k8s config can be found here


To test local changes, the following script will compile and publish a docker image, and restart the image-builder-mk3 k8s deployment at your current kube context with this image:

# Careful: check you're pointing at the right cluster!

Making changes to the protocol

Protocol changes are to be made in the image-builder-api component.

Updating the installer config

Changes to the installed k8s config can be done here.

Running locally

To run image-builder-mk3 locally, the example-config.json can be used as follows:

cd /workspace/gitpod/components/image-builder-mk3

# Set up kube context, the image builder will connect to this cluster's ws-manager.
kubectx [cluster-name]

# Fetch ws-manager TLS config.
gpctl clusters get-tls-config

# Port forward to ws-manager.
kubectl port-forward deployment/ws-manager 12001:8080

# Run image-builder-mk3.
go run . run --config example-config.json

See metrics at http://localhost:9500/metrics.

Invoking RPCs

When image-builder-mk3 is running locally, you can use grpcurl to make gRPC requests against the API:

go install

# Call RPC, e.g. ListBuilds:
grpcurl -plaintext -proto /workspace/gitpod/components/image-builder-api/imgbuilder.proto -import-path=/workspace/gitpod/components/ localhost:8080 builder.ImageBuilder.ListBuilds

See for how to make different types of requests with grpcurl.

Running tests

To run all image-builder-mk3 tests:

go test -v ./...

Required Permssion

If you want it to work in a particular public cloud, you may need to grant some permissions. Below is a reference for this.

AWS IAM Policy

If you would like to use ECR as a container registry, please add the following IAM policy below. Also, if you want to use ECR as public, you should add ecr-public too.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"