The unit tests in pkg/sync
must be run as root
because they create files with various permissions/ownership.
It's easiest to run them using cd pkg/content && go test -c && sudo ./content.test -test.v
Once you have build the test executable using go test -c
, you can also run specific test or even testcases.
To run a specific test use sudo ./content.test TestName
, to run a specific testcase use sudo ./content.test TestName -execute testcaseName
Beware: when running all testcases (i.e. without -execute
) the test itself will spawn a child process to recover from the permission drop across test cases.
This also means that not all -test.
flags will be passed on to the children. At the moment it's only -test.v
has OpenTracing instrumentation which means you can get traces out of ws-daemon.
At the moment we just print the traces as log messages. If you want to run ws-daemon with a remote
Jaeger installation, you should set the following environment variables:
# set the Jaeger endpoint (e.g. an all-in-binary)
# set the sampler to const, to get all traces
# enable the constant sampler