This repo helps users to try out and preview self-hosted Gitpod locally without all the things needed for a production instance. The aim is to provide an installation mechanism as minimal and simple as possible.
docker run --privileged --name gitpod --rm -it -v /tmp/gitpod:/var/gitpod
Once the above command starts running and the pods are ready (can be checked by running docker exec gitpod kubectl get pods
The URL to access your gitpod instance can be retrieved by running
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' gitpod | sed -r 's/[.]+/-/g' | sed 's/$/' is just wildcard DNS for local addresses, So all off this is local, and cannot be accessed over the internet.
As the self-hosted
instance is self-signed, The root certificate to upload into your browser trust store to access the URL is available at
- Prebuilds don't work as they require webhooks support over the internet.