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Releases: gitpod-io/leeway


12 Jun 12:29
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v0.2.3 Pre-release


bca9795 [docker] Support metadata in Docker packages


04 Jun 18:30
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v0.2.2 Pre-release


7eafa8f Go get cannot be removed (tests can timeout)


04 Jun 16:57
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v0.2.1 Pre-release


c88f2a7 Add support for codecov
8bac9d7 Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 in /pkg/graphview/web
edeaec8 Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /pkg/graphview/web
89fb957 Enable github actions
4be45b6 Fix validation of coverage file
8031271 Update go dependencies
aa7b1d7 Update goreleaser and golangci-lint
4ee1845 Update imports
d69e978 [build] Execute go generate before go get tries to build the package
752f9e8 [gitpod] Add Go VS Code extension


16 Mar 15:47
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v0.2.0 Pre-release


5171ae8 Add new logo
35413e6 Remove linter warnings
a245fcf [breaking] Add linting stage to Go builds
3cc1925 [breaking] Use underscore dependency env var names
4ccf336 [build] Introduce concurrency limit
117a6dc [cmd/init] Add init command which initializes new components/packages
55a2ac7 [experimental] Make link and export non-experimental
b5b709f [gitpod] Add golangci-lint to workspace
42ce465 [go] Allow overriding the Go package build command
6bea0e4 [go] Support per-package Go versions
245bed8 [go] Update dependencies
df0533f [go] mod tidy
98d7cf9 [goreleaser] Remove deprecated darwin/386 variant
28666c4 [graphview] Update dependencies
f94bab8 [remote-caches] Support additional remote caches (pull-only)
cb57483 [scripts] Exit with non-zero exit code if script does
cb49e6c [vet] Fix checkGolangHasBuildFlags's config unmarshalling
fe5c3b2 [vet] Make implicit dep detection more accurate
2b3081e [workspace] Introduce a default variant


25 Aug 06:41
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2b7c54d Fix BuildLayoutLocation
1d14576 [breaking] Rename typescript package type to yarn
e0926a5 [build] Add --watch flag that rebuilds when one of the sources changes
1fa65a8 [build] Properly propagate build context errors
9648856 [cli] Add LEEWAY_NESTED_WORKSPACE to the list of env vars
7cb55f0 [env-mf] Introduce an environment manifest to capture the build env
7b9b923 [env-mf] Remove Docker version from default env manifest entries
f557d03 [exec] Introduced leeway exec which runs a command in-situ
0dd50ff [exec] Make package selection optional
6fe5bdb [exec] Prefix output with package or component name
b80280b [layout] Make build-time filesystem layout explicit
2dd2f98 [link] Begin experimental support for in-situ linking
08f50cc [link] First steps towards yarn2 resolution-based linking
ae1ff50 [link] Remove non-experimental link command
309b3ec [link] Sort replace statements in go.mod
1f11387 [nested-workspaces] Prevent name collisions across workspaces
011a3fe [variants] Support component-level exclusion
c1a59f8 [vet] Add implicit transitive yarn dependency check
068e0df [vet] Add path and file presence checks
cc660b7 [vet] Prefix check name with package type
9f8943f [vet] Started leeway vet
a434055 [vet] Use proper package.json in yarn:implicit-transitive-dependency
b8ec99f [watch] Fix glob match issue when watching sources in package root
6ddbe70 [yarn] Choose component origin package.json rather than arbitrary one
fc42408 [yarn] Follow up fixes for the typescript/yarn rename


10 Jul 16:45
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66e15b2 Add experimental support for bash scripts started by leeway
a71131a Add formatting support for component descriptions
4af06bf Add formatting support for package descriptions
ce227da Add release script
a1bab5d Added unit test pre-commit hook
f01b117 Compute package hashes using the package's definition only,
d1acfd8 Compute package version/definition without resolved build args
1ed4187 Describe package variants and nested workspaces in the README
d82d609 Detect and complain about dependency cycles
c578ade Docker builds: Try to --pull newer images on every build
070f3f6 Explicitly mark experimental commands
70b6013 Mark some features experimental
e0bdc1d Merge branch 'master' of
0446368 Support describing scripts
87873ca Support extra preparation commands prior to building a package
1a8f5e6 Support listing files in the collect command
9eae653 [bugfix] Fix "/.something" match issues in doublestar
7467902 [collect] Add support for collecting variants
05b1d29 [describe] Add new dependency description command
8ddba8a [describe] Fix describe dependencies --dot
e076623 [experimental] Add basic experimental support for nested workspaces
71b8f90 [export] Support workspace export to another directory
9640fa7 [fmt] Add leeway fmt to format BUILD.yaml files
29bf5a2 [fmt] Sort dependencies ascending
a6ca681 [formatting] Respect format-string CLI flag
4be404f [gitpod] Use default workspace-full image
f175878 [graphview] Added web-based dependency graph view
295d4db [graphview] Colour nodes by package type
2a50116 [graphview] Don't check in rice box to make release build work
3b19c29 [graphview] Highlight dependency tree when hovering over a package
b2975f3 [mount/unmount] Support variant overlayfs mounts
b4fe825 [nested-workspaces] Default args of the root ws override all nested ones
bb8c89d [nested-workspaces] Fix workspace discovery without leewayignore
4aa89ca [nested-workspaces] Ignore nested workspaces by default
825f693 [nested-workspaces] Make scripts work
eb7b9cc [nested-workspaces] Properly ignore nested workspaces
8af7cb6 [performance] Improved discovery performance by respecting leewayignore
7c65de1 [performance] Replace doublestar package to better ignore files
8446613 [performance] Respect leewayignore when discovering nested workspaces
370e0fc [prep] Run prep commands when the dependencies are in place
b468f52 [scripts] Add environment variables pointing to built dependencies
c89bc38 [scripts] Add some documentation
f57ae01 [scripts] Add test for workdir layout
51c0dcd [scripts] Don't execute scripts with unresolved build arguments
64eec81 [scripts] Make run command not experimental anymore
ff4282b [typescript] Disable yarn cache when installing offline-mirror package
1f61273 [typo] Fix typo 'unkown'
c48238f [variants] Introduce package variants
7502fc0 [variants] Move to workspace level
14fa0e3 [werft-reporter] Don't report ephemeral packages in build plan


03 Apr 10:57
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bf79483 Add global dont-test command-line flag
a928182 Support a default cache level environment variable
4ead6b6 Support per-package cache level are bound by the global setting
4777dac [breaking] Enable tests in TypeScript packages by default
2a96abf [breaking] Introduce remote-pull cache level for remote download only
02edfb3 [breaking] Replace per-package cache level with ephemeral packages
7c5829f [bugfix] Fix remote-push cache level
1e8afd2 [bugfix] Fix ephemeral package dependencies
77b9901 [reporter] Report per-package build time
3d29f56 [typescript] Allow non-library Typescript dependencies for TS libraries
2d7bec2 [typescript] Make offline-mirror packages work with relative paths


04 Mar 13:37
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3bb6812 Add squash option to Docker package builds
aed8793 Create LICENSE
7785d3a Delete release.yml
ddcaba8 Improve TypeScript build stability and Docker rebuild feedback
5fd726d Name root component // instead of empty string
652d750 [bugfix] Fix FilesystemSafeName for root packages
470ee93 [collect] Fix empty selector


19 Dec 20:05
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b62d409 Added --serve to build which serves the build result via HTTP
cd3f71a Added leeway describe const
6d9b505 Added remote-push cache mode
541b94c Added component constants to "dry" package definitions
c74dc22 Added filtering to collect
40fb91a Added readme
896f6a7 Added support for .:pkg-name for build and describe
28c1592 Added version command
46c08be Added workspace default arguments
d6bf2fc Build can now dump its execution plan
c11ef02 Can now save build result with --save
72acd39 Delete yarn.lock during TS offline-mirror
44de4ab Describe component now prints component constants
9d28108 Fix TypescriptApp packaging
96ce41c Fixed __pkg_version built-in argument
23c1f8f Fixed the .: notation to work for components below the workspace root
c72d0e9 Fixed yarn cache package name clash issue
9d4de19 Improved output when checking remote cache
d8d555c Made the offline-mirror packaging easier to use
75c4eb8 Make the ConsoleReporter work concurrently
b818976 Now reporting the package version on (package) build start
944902f [breaking] Generic packages now have commands, not just a command
a2e1e71 [bugfix] Removed accidental path dependency in version compution
3af22b8 [werft] Added werft compatible reporter


19 Sep 11:41
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e17e090 Added archive Typescript packaging method
b1e3f7c Added auto-completion for bash
7685536 Added build --dry-run to inspect caching behaviour
3fdea6c Upload to remote cache even if overall build failed
42ec513 [breaking] Typescript app packaging now re-packs using shallow package.json
e67bd61 [breaking] WORKSPACE and BUILD are now WORKSPACE.yaml and BUILD.yaml