Trigger HAR export any time directly from within a page.
Blazing fast library for fuzzy filtering, matching, and other fuzzy things!
An extension to help you gain full control of any website by redirecting traffic, replacing, editing, or inserting new content.
Actor-based state management & orchestration for complex app logic.
Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
🔥 The fastest way to build type safe web apps. IHP is a new batteries-included web framework optimized for longterm productivity and programmer happiness
A collection of simple examples showcasing the BuckleScript ecosystem
First-class error reporting for the Unity game engine.
Regular expressions for matching node.js require statements.
Auto generation of idiomatic bindings between Reason and JavaScript: either vanilla or typed with TypeScript/FlowType.
Experimental analyses for ReScript and OCaml: globally dead values/types, exception analysis, and termination analysis.
Official documentation website for the ReScript programming language
Comlink makes WebWorkers enjoyable.
useReducer with updates and side effects!
A language server for reason, in reason
A React binding for (OCaml | ReasonML) + BuckleScript with compile time enforcement of the "Rules of Hooks". Live Examples:
❤️ JavaScript/TypeScript linter (ESLint wrapper) with great defaults
Example project to show how to use components lazy loading in ReasonReact
Statically typed DSL for writing css in reason.
Copy stuff into clipboard from your browser using JS