Tags: gitthermal/thermal
Toggle v0.0.4's commit message
Auto update (testing), performance improvement, layout flexibility, m…
…odal components improvement and few code optimization.
Toggle v0.0.3's commit message
Bug fix: Workspace page not opening
Toggle v0.0.2's commit message
Initialize git repository, clone repository, Loading skeleton, file d…
…iff for workspace, dropdown components, bordered window, repository stats, MacOS build and few bug fixes
Toggle v0.0.1's commit message
Persist data, app for linux, folder picker, drag & drop multiple repo…
…sitory, open in terminal, open explorer, and information page
Toggle v0.0.1-alpha.4's commit message
App settings page (profile, experimental features, information), togg…
…le repository features, repository name to menubar & push changes to remote repository.
Toggle v0.0.1-alpha.3's commit message
Add export commit data, quick glance file change history, and add rep…
…ository settings page
Toggle v0.0.1-alpha.2's commit message
Split welcome page repository list, custom menu bar, and about the ap…
…p model
Toggle v0.0.1-alpha.1's commit message
Release version 0.0.1-alpha.1
Toggle v0.0.1-alpha.0's commit message
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