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a thoughtful static website generator for long-lasting content


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Go Reference

Note: Winter is in its early alpha stages. It is not recommended to use Winter for important production content.

Winter is a static website generator for people who can't can't settle on a static website generator. It has three principles:

  1. Cool URIs don't change. When you tell Winter a page is done, it gains permanent failsafes to prevent future breakage. Winter is built for content that will last decades.
  2. Good content is portable. Winter is anti-lock-in. Source documents are Markdown, Org, or HTML. Winter-specific "syntax" degrades gracefully into human-readable text.
  3. Understand content. Winter is not just a markup parser and renderer. It traverses ASTs to introduce visual treatments without introducing any syntax on top of Markdown or Org.

Winter has only two strict rules:

  1. Web paths end in .html. This ensures you can easily migrate old pages to any dumb fileserver without breaking links, even if Winter itself is dead and gone. Winter performs this enforcement for you.
  2. All pages are top-level. Shuffling users up and down directory trees creates opportunities for links to invisibly break. You can organize src however you want, but Winter will always flatten it when producing dist (and error on conflicts).


go install
winter --help

# Go library
go get -u


This section details the winter CLI documentation. For Go library documentation, see

Directory Structure

  • ./src—Content to be built
    • ./src/cold—Stable content, optionally templated
      • *.md—Markdown files
      • *.html—HTML files
      • *.org—Org mode files
    • ./src/warm—Unstable content, optionally templated
      • *.md—Markdown files
      • *.html—HTML files
      • *.org—Org mode files
    • ./src/templates—Reusable content
      • text_document.html.tmpl—Default page container (from <html> to </html>)
      • *.html.tmpl—HTML templates
    • ./src/img—Gallery images
      • ...—Any directory structure
  • ./public—Static files to be copied directly to the build directory without processing
  • ./dist—Build directory


Pass --help to any command to see detailed usage and behavior.

winter init

Usage: winter init

Initialize the current directory for use with Winter. The Winter directory structure detailed above will be created, and default starting templates will be populated so that you have a working index.html listing posts.

winter build

Usage: winter build [--serve] [--source directory]

Build all source content into dist. When --serve is passed, a fileserver is stood up afterwards pointing to dist, content is continually rebuilt as it changes, and the browser automatically refreshes.

Winter always builds text content from src/cold and src/warm, gallery content from src/img, and templates from src/template. If --source is specified, Winter will also build text content from that file or directory. --source can be specified any number of times.

winter freeze

Usage: winter freeze shortname...

Freeze all arguments, specified by shortname. This moves the files from src/warm to src/cold and reflects the change in Git.


A document is an HTML, Markdown, or Org file with optional frontmatter. The first level 1 heading (<h1> in HTML, # in Markdown, * in Org) will be used as the document title.

Here is an example document called

date: 2022-07-07
filename: example.html
type: post

# My Example Document

This is an example document.


Frontmatter for HTML and Markdown documents is specified in YAML. Frontmatter for Org files is specified using Org keywords of equivalent names (in whatever case you choose). All fields are optional.

The available frontmatter fields for HTML and Markdown are:

filename: example.html
date: 2022-07-07
updated: 2022-11-10
category: arbitrary string
toc: true|false
type: post|page|draft

The same fields are available in Org files:

#+FILENAME: example.html
#+DATE: 2022-07-07
#+UPDATED: 2022-11-10
#+CATEGORY: arbitrary string
#+TOC: true|false
#+TYPE: post|page|draft

See below for details of each.


The category of the document. Accepts any string. This is exposed to templates via the {{ .Category }} field.

The default template set provided by winter init gives a minor visual treatment to the listing and display of documents with categories.

Otherwise, the category is semantic.


Date is the publish date of the document written as YYYY-MM-DD. It is available to templates as a Go time.Time using {{ .CreatedAt }}.

When not set the document will not have a publish date attached to it.


Filename specifies the desired final location of the built file in dist. This must end in .html no matter the source document type and must not be in a subdirectory. Winter enforces this because if you later move off Winter, web paths that end in .html and do not use subdirectories will be the easiest to migrate.

When not set the filename of the source document is used, with any extensions replaced with .html. For example, envy.html.tmpl and would both become envy.html (though if two source files would produce the same destination file, Winter will error).

A document's web path is defined as its filename. The web path is accessible to templates using the {{ .WebPath }} template variable.


Updated is the date the document was last meaningfully updated, if any, written as YYYY-MM-DD. It is available to templates as a Go time.Time using {{ .UpdatedAt }}.

When not set the document will not have an update date attached to it.


Whether to render a table of contents (default false). If true, the table of contents will be rendered just before the first level 2 header (<h2> in HTML, ## in Markdown, ** in Org) and will list all level 2, 3, and 4 headers. See the top of this page for an example.


The kind of document. Possible values are post, page, draft.

post documents are programmatically included in template functions. page and draft documents have no programmatic action taken on them and will not be discoverable unless linked to.

The default template set provided by winter init gives each a different visual treatment:

  • Posts have a publish date and update date at the top and bottom of the page
  • Pages have a publish date and update date at the bottom of the page
  • Drafts behave like posts but have a "DRAFT" banner at the top of the page

Beyond this, types are only semantic.


Any file in ./src can be templated using the format expressed in the text/template Go library.

Document Fields

The following fields are available to templates rendering documents.

{{ .Category }}

Type: string

The value specified by the frontmatter category field. This is an arbitrary string.

{{ .CreatedAt }}

Type: time.Time

The publish date of the document as specified by the frontmatter date attribute.

This value can be formatted using Go's func (time.Time) Format function:

{{ .CreatedAt.Format "2006 January" }} <!-- Renders 2022 July  -->
{{ .CreatedAt.Format "2006-01-02" }}   <!-- Renders 2022-07-08 -->

Use {{ .CreatedAt.IsZero }} to see if the date was not set. You can use this to hide unset dates:

{{ if not .CreatedAt.IsZero }}
  published {{ .CreatedAt.Format "2006 January" }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Documents.All }}

Type: []Document

All documents Winter knows about, ordered by creation date descending.

{{ .IsType "<string>" }}

Type: function(string) bool

Returns whether the document is of the given type (i.e. has frontmatter specifying type: <string>). See Types for valid document types.

{{ .Preview }}

Type: string

A teaser for the document, such as a summary of its contents. If unset, one will be inferred from the beginning of the document's content.

{{ .Title }}

Type: string

The value of the document's first level 1 heading (<h1> in HTML, # in Markdown, * in Org).

{{ .UpdatedAt }}

Type: time.Time

The date the document was last meaningfully updated, as specified by the frontmatter updated attribute.

This value behaves identically to {{ .CreatedAt }}. For details on dealing with it, see that documentation.

{{ .WebPath }}

Type: string

The path component of the URL that will point to the document. This is usually the filename frontmatter attribute if set, or the source document's filename sans extension otherwise, preceded with a slash and ending in .html.

Equivalent to the file's destination location on disk relative to dist/.



Usage: {{ range posts }} ... {{ end }}

Returns a list of all documents with type post, from most to least recent.

See Document Fields for a list of fields available to documents.


Usage: {{ range yearly posts }}{{ .Year }}: {{ range .Documents.All }} ... {{ end }}{{ end }}

Returns a list of year types ordered from most to least recent. A year has two fields, .Year (integer) and .Documents (array of documents). This allows templates to display posts sectioned by year.

See Document Fields for a list of fields available to documents.


a thoughtful static website generator for long-lasting content





