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Studio 903

Running the project locally

Install wp-cli.

Download WordPress core at the root of the project:

wp core download

Create a new wp-config.php file:

wp config create \
    --dbname=<YOUR_DB_NAME> \
    --dbuser=<YOUR_DB_USER> \

Enable WP_DEBUG:

wp config set WP_DEBUG true --raw --type=constant

Install WordPress core:

wp core install \
    --title='Studio 903' \
    --url=localhost:8080 \
    --admin_user=<YOUR_ADMIN_USER> \
    --admin_password=<YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD> \

Install vendor plugins:

wp plugin install \
    classic-editor \
    advanced-custom-fields \
    polylang \
    regenerate-thumbnails \
    post-types-order \
    user-role-editor \
    google-sitemap-generator \
    wordpress-importer \

Install dependencies:

composer install --working-dir=wp-content/plugins/studio-903 && \
npm install --prefix wp-content/themes/studio-903

Configure environment variables:

cp wp-content/plugins/studio-903/.env.example wp-content/plugins/studio-903/.env && \
cp wp-content/themes/studio-903/.env.example wp-content/themes/studio-903/.env

Activate the plugin and the theme:

wp plugin activate studio-903 &&
wp theme activate studio-903

Run the development server:

wp server

Running the tests

php wp-content/plugins/studio-903/vendor/bin/phpunit \

Watching for assets changes

npm run dev --prefix wp-content/themes/studio-903