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Getting started

Disclaimer: the following tutorial expects you to be running commands within our "ready-to-code" Gitpod environment, available from the top-level readme.

Let's run some basic commands, and set you up with a test key you'll use to do deployments!

We'll be using two commands in this tutorial, gno and gnokey.

  • gno is what we'll use to run and test our Gno programs. It has many similar commands to the go command, such as gno doc and gno run.
  • gnokey is what we'll use to interact with the blockchain. We automatically set up a local "test node" for you on Gitpod, and gnokey will by default try to contact that.

Try the next few commands out!

# first, let's ask the CLI to provide a list of available subcommands
gno --help


  <subcommand> [flags] [<arg>...]

Runs the gno development toolkit

  mod         Manage gno.mod
  test        Runs the tests for the specified packages
  lint        Runs the linter for the specified packages
  run         Runs the specified gno files
  build       Builds the specified gno package
  precompile  Precompiles .gno files to .go
  clean       Removes generated files and cached data
  repl        Starts a GnoVM REPL
  doc         get documentation for the specified package or symbol (type, function, method, or variable/constant

error parsing commandline arguments: flag: help requested

Great, we see some helpful subcommands available to us.

# before proceeding, let's make sure we are in the correct directory
cd tutorial/01_getting_started/

# next, let's test out the gno doc subcommand and provide the greeter package as a target
gno doc greeter


package greeter // import ""

You did it! You're looking at the documentation for greeter.

func Hello(s string) string

Great, now let's make sure our tests pass.

# invoke all tests within the current directory
gno test .


?       ./greeter       [no test files]
--- FAIL: TestRender (0.00s)
output: "hello, mars!" does not contain hello world
./.: test pkg: failed: "TestRender"
FAIL    ./.     1.40s
FAIL: 0 build errors, 1 test errors

Oh no! Our tests are failing; it looks like we are greeting the wrong planet..

Let's try to fix that!

Fixing the test

Inspect the two .gno files present in our directory; you'll see that they implement a function Render(string) string and try to test it, verifying that it contains hello and world.

Let's try to fix it, shall we?

For every interactive exercise, we'll be providing with a sample solution to the problem that we implemented. Don't jump to it straight ahead: we invite you to try out solving the problem, and opening up the solution if you are stuck or want to verify yours.

Sample solution
// render.gno
package getting_started

func Render(path string) string {
	return "Hello, world!"
$ gno test .
?       ./greeter       [no test files]
ok      ./.     1.49s

Adding a counter

Let's do an exercise to see the power of stateful realms in Gno.

In Gno, we distinguish the equivalent of Go packages between packages and realms. The former behave mostly like their Go counterparts, whereas the latter have some unique characteristics that distinguish them:

  1. Their functions can not only be called outside of other code, but also by blockchain end-users as we'll see below.
  2. All global variable declarations are persisted outside of the execution of the program. Every time a function is called, its state is recovered, and then saved from the previous execution.
  3. As a consequence of being callable from end users, as well as non-blockchain code, our frontend gnoweb allows you to view the result of any function with signature func Render(path string) string as rendered markdown.
  4. They can still be imported and called normally by other realms, however they cannot be called by other packages. Whenever they're imported by other realms, their state is still persisted and saved.

With this in mind, let's change render.gno to add a simple "counter":

  • Add a global variable declaration for an integer value.
  • Add a new exported function Add, which increments this integer.
  • Write the value of this value when you call Render, importing strconv and using strconv.Itoa to convert it to a string.
    Note: Gno doesn't currently support reflection, and as such package fmt; however, these packages can be used within a testing environment because Gno has temporary support for extra packages (ie, fmt) that are implemented by a "bridge" between Go and Gno.
Sample solution
// render.gno
package getting_started

import "strconv"

var counter int // realm state

func Render(path string) string {
	return "Counter: " + strconv.Itoa(counter) + "\n\n" +
		"Hello, world!"

func Add() {

Publishing the realm

As a first step, we'll import the so-called test1 key into our keychain.

In Gno, every transaction ("stateful operation", so to speak) has to be performed by a user who is identified through their address. The address comes as a cryptographic derivative of the user's key.

While you are in a development context like this one, you can jump straight to importing our predefined key, test1, which is set up in the default "genesis block" to contain 10^13 ugnot.

ugnot, where "u" stands in for µ, is a millionth of's native token, the $GNOT.

ugnot is to $GNOT what satoshi is to bitcoin; the smallest, indivisible denomination of the token.

Execute the following command, a passphrase to use the key, the passphrase repeated, and input the mnemonic below:

gnokey add test1 --recover
# Enter a passphrase to encrypt your key to disk:
# Repeat the passphrase:
# Enter your bip39 mnemonic
source bonus chronic canvas draft south burst lottery vacant surface solve popular case indicate oppose farm nothing bullet exhibit title speed wink action roast

After this, you should have your key set up (with the same address as ours) in your local keychain.

Now, let's list our keys to make sure we got everything correctly set up.

gnokey list


0. test1 (local) - addr: g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5 pub: gpub1pgfj7ard9eg82cjtv4u4xetrwqer2dntxyfzxz3pq0skzdkmzu0r9h6gny6eg8c9dc303xrrudee6z4he4y7cs5rnjwmyf40yaj, path: <nil>

Let's publish our realm; if you are not there already, navigate to this file's directory and execute the following command:

gnokey maketx addpkg \
	--gas-wanted 1000000 \
	--gas-fee 1ugnot \
	--pkgpath \
	--pkgdir . \
	--broadcast \


Enter password.

GAS WANTED: 1000000
GAS USED:   439393
Flag breakdown
  • --gas-wanted: running smart contracts, as well as publishing packages, will typically use a varying number of VM cycles to execute. Here we should indicate how many we "expect" to need.
    The number of VM cycles will be eventually used to calculate, together with other factors, how much the caller should "pay" (in terms of ugnot) for their transaction.
  • --gas-fee: unused here, but must be non-zero
  • --pkgpath: equivalent of Go's import path. Will be used to call our realm, as well as by other realms to import us.
    In Gno, all pkgpaths are prefixed by|r). Changing the "domain" is reserved for future communication with other blockchains, while p and r specify whether we're publishing a package or a realm.
  • --pkgdir: where the package or realm is in our filesystem.
  • --broadcast: making a transaction could technically be done by creating the transaction on one machine, signing it, and then with the signed transaction sending it to the chain from another machine. --broadcast tells gnokey to immediately send the transaction after creating it and signing it.

Visiting and calling the realm

Try out visiting the realm: use url in your shell to get the link to your gnoweb, then append /r/demo/getting_started to the URL.

You should see the output of the Render() function, including the value of our counter set to 0.

Let's try increasing it!

By clicking the [help] button in the top right corner, you can visit a page to list the realm's exposed functions. Every top-level exported function declaration can be called as a transaction through gnokey.

By writing your key name in the My address: input, you can get an auto-generated command to execute the Add() transaction on the chain.

Try it out!

A screenshot of gnoweb on the realm help page.

Let's try calling Add():

gnokey maketx call \
	-pkgpath "" \
	-func "Add" \
	-gas-fee 1000000ugnot \
	-gas-wanted 2000000 \
	-send "" -broadcast -chainid "dev" \
	-remote "" test1


Enter password.

GAS WANTED: 2000000
GAS USED:   105451

If you now try refreshing the first page you loaded, you should see the value of Counter updated to 1.


In this section, we learned:

  • How to create gno programs with the aid of the gno command-line tool.
  • How to create a key with gnokey, and use it to perform transactions on the chain.
  • How to publish a realm on the chain, and calling it to increase an integer counter.

Next up, we'll be starting out on building our chess server. We'll be interactively running realms we publish, so make sure to keep the gnokey maketx addpkg command handy.

Note that we currently don't support "updating" a realm. If you wish to iterate on a realm and publish it again, updated, you should change its path (the author often uses numerical suffixes, and if using bash, the help of the $RANDOM variable):$RANDOM
echo path: $p
gnokey maketx addpkg \
	--gas-wanted 1000000 \
	--gas-fee 1ugnot \
	--pkgpath $p \
	--pkgdir . \
	--broadcast \

Appendix: Creating your own key

On the production chain, you won't be interacting using the test1 key (which exists only for convenience in development contexts), but you will instead use your own. To generate it, the process is similar to the one above, with the only difference that you should change the mnemonic for the key, and you may generate one using gnokey generate.

Let's run the generate subcommand to receive our mnemonic

gnokey generate


stone wrestle craft chuckle lonely response eternal steak sausage mesh snow steel recycle lounge pizza true trap reject trip spell october panther novel clown

Next, let's add our key to the keybase; we pass the --recover flag to be able to retrieve our key with the seed phrase we just generated in the previous step.

gnokey add mykey --recover
# Enter a passphrase to encrypt your key to disk:
# Repeat the passphrase:
# Enter your bip39 mnemonic

Extra: Deterministic time, and qeval

As you may have noticed, there is an additional package within this tutorial's directory: greeter.

Let's try to publish it.

├── gno.mod
├── gnoweb-screenshot.png
├── greeter                   # <-- this one!
│   └── hello.gno
├── render.gno
└── render_test.gno

Here, we'll use gnokey to make a transaction to add a package.

gnokey maketx addpkg --gas-wanted 1000000 --gas-fee 1ugnot \
  --pkgpath --pkgdir ./greeter --broadcast test1


Enter password.

GAS WANTED: 1000000
GAS USED:   371195

This realm doesn't have a Render() function, so trying to visit on gnoweb won't work. We can still use it to get to the [help] page, but there's a free way to execute the realm's functions without performing a transaction.

gnokey query vm/qeval --data ''$'\n''Hello("Morgan")'
height: 0
data: ("The time is Thu Sep 21 10:49:06.00000 UTC 2023.\n\nGood morning, Morgan" string)

Note: we use the $'\n' syntax in the above example to write a literal newline into the --data argument. This may not be available in all shells, so if it doesn't work for you, we recommend switching to bash.

This is what the gnoweb frontend uses under the hood to get the data to display; with the difference that instead of calling Hello, it calls Render.

As you may have noticed, vm/qeval doesn't require us to pass a key, and is more instantaneous than gnokey maketx. This is because it's not actually performing a transaction, but rather just a simple "query": it's executing the code with the blockchain's current state, but it's not recording any global variable modifications into its state. (So if we called the previous Add method using vm/qeval, the counter would not be increased).

This is something we're using for the Gnochess website for many places where we don't need to modify the realm's state, but just get some existing information. In web2 REST terms, you could say we are using qeval for GET requests, and maketx for POST requests.

There's one further thing to note: the Hello function returns a time, and will greet you differently on the time of day. An attentive reader might note that this seems to contradict what we said about determinism: that because blockchain transactions are to be verified by every node participating in it ("validators"), then it should not be possible to obtain a measure of the current time, which is inevitably different with each machine that executes it.

The trick here is that the displayed time is not the system time, but rather the block time. When you call time.Now(), it does not return the system time, but rather a well-defined variable which is agreed upon by the blockchain validators before executing the code. This will generally be in increments of N seconds (our official testnets are configured on a 5 second block time, while for gnochess it is reduced to 1), which is why the millisecond part in the displayed time is zero.