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Realtime Plotter Control

Realtime Control of AxiDraw from Processing

We will use @techninja's CNCserver as a bridge from Processing to the AxiDraw.

  • Install Node.js. Obtain this from
  • Install NPM. Obtain this at the terminal with curl | sh.
  • Download the files from this repo or use this locally-stashed copy, axidraw_processing_realtime/installs/ Unzip these files to a cncserver folder.
  • Install the CNCServer package. Following the instructions from here, navigate to the cncserver folder at the command line, and execute npm install
  • In the terminal, enter node cncserver --botType=axidraw
  • In Processing, run the program axidraw_processing_realtime.pde.
  • Note that the file jna-4.1.0.jar is incompatible with Processing v4's video capture library.

Realtime Control of AxiDraw from Python

We will use EMSL's pyaxidraw and axicli to control the AxiDraw from Python. Documentation is here.

  • Be sure to have installed Python and installed pip.
  • Install the EMSL libraries at the terminal: python -m pip install More detailed instructions are here.
  • Install pynput, which can access real-time mouse coordinates: pip3 install pynput
  • Run the program, or other demos that come in the AxiDraw API.

An alternative option for realtime AxiDraw control via Python is Fogleman's Axi library.

Realtime Control of HP7475A with openFrameworks

We will use Nick Hardeman's ofxHPGL as a bridge from openFrameworks (C++) to the HP7475A.

  • This assumes that the HP7475A is connected and working, as per these instructions.
  • This assumes that you have downloaded and installed an appropriate development envrironment (e.g. XCode) as well as openFrameworks, using the instructions from here
  • Download the ofxHPGL addon, and install it in the OF addons folder.
  • There is an example project provided here: hp7475a_openframeworks. (Note, this is not a full openFrameworks installation bundle).
  • In ofApp.cpp on line 5, you'll see hp.setup( "/dev/tty.usbserial-A101768Y" );. You'll need to change this to whatever is your computer's name for its USB-to-serial adaptor. You can locate your adapter by executing this in the terminal: ls /dev/tty.*.

Realtime Control of Line-Us with p5.js