Resources for Golan Levin's one-week Drawing with Machines Workshop at Anderson Ranch, July 2022. Links may be obsolete.
- Generate an SVG with Processing
- Optimize the SVG with vpype. (For an alternative that doesn't require Python installations, use the Inkscape AxiDraw plugin)
- Plot the SVG on an AxiDraw using our Raspberry Pi kiosk
- Main overview of SVG-generating code
- Simple template for p5.js (JavaScript). Requires zenozeng's p5.js-svg.
- Simple template for Processing (Java). Uses Processing's built-in SVG Library.
- Simple template for Python. Uses abey79's vsketch and vpype.
- Drawingbot's massive list of SVG-generating tools
- Beardicus's massive list of Awesome Plotters resources
- Code samples for real-time plotter control
- AxiDraw V3. Up to 11.81" × 8.58" (300 × 218 mm).
- AxiDraw SE/A3. Up to 16.93" × 11.69" (430 × 297 mm).
- AxiDraw SE/A1. Up to 34.02" × 23.39" (864 × 594 mm).
- HP7475A. 8.5" × 11" or A3. Instructions for setup and plotting
- Line-Us. Approx. 2.85" x 6.2" (72 × 157 mm). Instructions for setup and plotting
- AxiDraw Command-Line Interface (CLI)
- AxiDraw Inkscape extension, YouTube demo
- Raspberry Pi plotter kiosk
- One Line. Take a dot for a walk
- Devise your own methods of hatching. Massing. Moire Interference.
- Generate a family of blobs
- Generate a pattern from modular elements
- Generate a field or distribution
- Translate a pixel-based image
- Focus on material conditions. The interfered plot.
- Make an asemic writing system
- Use a database of drawings (e.g. QuickDraw)
- Minimum Inventory, Maximum Diversity system
- Create a visual feedback system (Drawing in which subsequent marks related to previous ones)
- Lines as Traces in Space, Dots that Went for a Walk
- Hatching and Dithering
- Tiling / Truchet
- Fields
- Beyond paper; Material Conditions
- Generative Multiples / Typologies
- Visual Feedback Systems; also see Ice Ray Grammars
- Computational Drawing Tools
- Asemic Writing
- Typography and Plotting
- 3D to 2D; more below.
- #PlotterTwitter!
- Algorithmic morphogenesis resources by Jason Webb
- by Taru Muhonen & Raphaël de Courville
- Image tracing: PContour by Lingdong Huang; by JT Nimoy
- Downloadable plotter art
- DIY Drawing Machines
- 9 Tips to Execute Generative Art with a Plotter by Tyler Hobbs
- 300 Days with Plotters by Licia He
- Pen Plotter Programming: the Basics by Michael Fogleman
- Pen Plotter Art & Algorithms, Part 1 and Part 2 by Matt Deslauriers
- Computational Drawing (chapter 1) by Carl Lostritto
- Graphic Games (chapter 1, Pattern) by Victor Baumgartner
- Graphic Games (chapter 2, Distribution) by Victor Baumgartner
- 3D STL to 2D SVG, in the browser
- Blender Freestyle SVG Exporter: Blender addon for 3D to 2D SVG
- Lines: vector 3D engine writen in Python
- LN.pde: Processing Port of LN, @Fogleman's 3D-to-2D Rendering Engine
- ApparentRidges.pde: Render line drawings from 3D meshes, OBJ to SVG for a variety of toolkits
- Maks' list of awesome 3D engines