This solution has been archived since February 2025. No new development or updates will be performed.
A tool that helps you identify the impact of applying prefetch strategies on your web app resources by analyzing pages across a simulated user's journey on the site
Generates an impact report highlighting:
- The assets that can be prefetched and on which page to get the best savings
- Savings in kB for each page navigation when applying prefetch
- Issues with Cache-Control on frequently used critical assets
Exporting results
- Generates HTML code prefetch statements based on selected resources
- Generates code for WebPageTest scripts to test prefetch impact
The easiest way to start using Prefetchalyzer is by using the hosted version available here.
The project was generated with vue-cli.
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
For VSCode, Vetur extension is used to format the .vue files. Following settings are made in settings.json:
"git.ignoreLimitWarning": true,
"vetur.format.defaultFormatterOptions": {
"prettier": {
"stylelintIntegration": true,
"eslintIntegration": true,
"semi": false,
"singleQuote": true,
"tabWidth": 2,
"tabs": false,
"trailingComma": "none",
"printWidth": 160
npm start
npm run build
npm run lint
- name: "Deploy \U0001F680"
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
BRANCH: gh-pages
FOLDER: dist
CLEAN: true
This is not an officially supported Google product.