Convert HTTP session HAR file logs into CSV format
This CLI tool provides you with an easy way to convert HAR file HTTP log entries into a flat CSV format to make it easier to analyze. The utility ignores fields that are not essential for analyzing requests/responses such as content and those that might carry private information such as cookies.
Requires node v10.13.x or above
# Install
npm install har2csv -g
# Run
har2csv path/to/input.har path/to/output.csv
Example using Chrome:
- Open the Dev Tools panel via Ctrl + Shift + i
- Click the “Network” menu item on the top menu bar of the panel
- The HTTP session is recorded by default, navigate to the pages / resources you're inspecting
- Once ready to export the data, right-click anywhere on the list of items in the Network resource list and select “Save all as HAR with content”
Entry path | CSV column name |
pageref | pageRef |
startedDateTime | startedDateTime |
request.method | requestMethod |
request.url | requestUrl |
request.httpVersion | requestHttpVersion |
request.headerSize | requestHeaderSize |
request.bodySize | requestBodySize |
response.status | responseStatus |
response.content.size | responseContentSize |['content-type'] | responseContentType |['content-length'] | responseContentType |['cache-control'] | responseCacheControl |
timings.blocked | blocked |
timings.dns | dns |
timings.ssl | ssl |
timings.connect | connect |
timings.send | send |
timings.wait | wait |
timings.receive | receive |
time | time |
Note: Entries that don't match the above fields / paths are not included in the result CSV file
- Support TSV format
- Add flag for excluding columns from the result
- Output stats from the conversion e.g. # of requests, GET vs POST etc...
This is not an official Google product.