issues Search Results · repo:google/lovefield language:JavaScript
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(60 ms)230 results
ingoogle/lovefield (press backspace or delete to remove)There doesn t seem to be activity in public forum for a year and dev activity for 2 years. Is this project under active
development? Is it considered finished and won t take more dev, something like that? ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 28, 2022
- #279
Travis CI no longer support unlimited free OSS usage. Need to consider moving to other CI.
- Opened on Aug 17, 2021
- #278
I m wondering if it s possible to get nested sql queries
like for example, if I needed to get a graph for the two tables below in postgres, this would be the query:
- UserProfile
WITH ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 13, 2021
- #277
Beside sample in todo.html, where s the rest manual? Example I found people are using addNullable(). How do they know
such thing exist? Now I m googling for how to set auto increment primary key but the ...
- 1
- Opened on May 20, 2021
- #275
Version: 2.1.12
await db
- Opened on May 7, 2021
- #274
I have been using lovefield for a while, but now I am starting to use DATE_TIME columns. I discover that if they are
.addIndex()-ed they must be specified explicitly on .insert() - even if made .addNullable(), ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 17, 2021
- #273
Yes, I know match is the official method to search on string fields, however, it is quite slow.
A simple search with new RegExp( test ) is 95% as fast as String.indexOf() probably due to some sort of ...
- 4
- Opened on Oct 13, 2020
- #270
A simple query as follow works great:
await db
.orderBy(, lf.Order.ASC)
or even by an string field:
await ...
- 3
- Opened on Oct 12, 2020
- #269
Following instructions: $ gulp debug results in ReferenceError: primordials is not defined at fs.js:36:5 at
req_ (/home/tonydiep/Projects/lovefield/demos/scrum/node_modules/natives/index.js:143:24) ...
- 2
- Opened on Sep 1, 2020
- #267
Hallo @arthurhsu,
I have the requirement of offline storage of larger amounts of data and I found lovefield as an abstraction on top of
IndexedDB. Amazing work!
But considering that the official lovefield ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 23, 2020
- #266

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