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1235 lines (817 loc) · 40.4 KB

File metadata and controls

1235 lines (817 loc) · 40.4 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.19.1] - 2024-08-19


  • Fix broken import of typescript.js module

[0.19.0] - 2024-08-19


  • Upgraded to TypeScript 5.2 and Lit 3.0
  • BREAKING Use modules in workers. See's support table for browser support information.
  • Updated comlink, fuse.js, and tslib dependencies.

0.18.1 - 2023-08-10


  • Fix tab-to-spaces conversion in the code editor which was resulting in one less space being produced on tab than desired.

0.18.0 - 2023-05-25


0.17.1 - 2023-04-25


  • Fetch all @types packages listed in the project's package.json file and include them for TypeScript compilation. This allows type-checking packages that do not ship their own types but do have a DefinitelyTyped package available. Note: This does not automatically download the @types package for a package. It must be manually listed in package.json.

0.17.0 - 2022-11-11


  • Replaced vscode-languageserver dependency with smaller vscode-languageserver-protocol.
  • TypeScript version upgraded from 4.4.4 to 4.8.4.
  • PlaygroundConnectedElement project is now permitted to be undefined according to TypeScript.
  • Upgrade codemirror from 5.63.0 to 5.65.9.
  • BREAKING Switched TypeScript moduleResolution from esnext to nodenext.
  • BREAKING Bumped TypeScript target from es2017 to es2021.
  • BREAKING The local package.json is now passed to TypeScript for compilation, and the default value of the type field is modified to module.

0.16.3 - 2022-08-02


  • Added styntax highlighting for jsx and tsx modules.

0.16.2 - 2022-06-16


  • Added support for compiling jsx and tsx modules.

0.16.1 - 2022-05-17


  • Upgraded MWC dependencies.

0.16.0 - 2022-05-11


  • BREAKING Added browser to the set of export conditions used during module resolution.

0.15.5 - 2022-05-06


  • Added lineWrapping property (line-wrapping attribute) to <playground-code-editor>, <playground-file-editor> and <playground-ide> which when enabled wraps long lines, otherwise the editor will scroll. Off by default.


  • Fix typo in README. Add missing forward slash in escaped script tag.

0.15.4 - 2022-04-05


  • Add the ability to select a file by setting selected: true in a project config, or by setting the selected attribute on slotted children.

0.15.3 - 2022-03-29


  • Fixed the hiding of comments that surround a fold/hide code block from creating invisible readonly regions.

  • Refactored fold/hide marker logic so it doesn't add document history when clearing the prior fold/hide markers.

  • Fix typo and incorrectly documented event name in README. changed event should instead be change.

0.15.2 - 2022-03-24


  • Make hidden code blocks readonly to prevent accidental erasure.

  • Added Ctrl+/ or Cmd+/ hotkey for toggling line comments.

  • Added keyboard shortcut documentation to the playground-code-editor README.

0.15.1 - 2022-03-16


  • playground-preview now exposes the internal iframe via the iframe property.

0.15.0 - 2022-03-07


  • Added noCompletions property documentation to README.


  • Normalize content-type response header to lowercase when matching filetypes.

0.15.0-pre.5 - 2022-02-23


  • More mobile friendly completion items via media query


  • Pressing ESC to close completions menu doesn't de-focus the code-editor

  • Word wrapping on long completion item details doesn't extend to multiple lines

  • Elevation on completion items list matches other elevations on project

0.15.0-pre.4 - 2022-02-17


  • Added Ctrl-Space hotkey for triggering interactive code completions.

0.15.0-pre.3 - 2022-02-16


  • Fixed syntax highlighting and code folding regressions introduced when using documentKey.

0.15.0-pre.2 - 2022-02-15


  • Added documentKey property to <playground-code-editor> which is used to keep track of individual CodeMirror document instances internally. Default behavior without setting a documentKey is unchanged.

    Use documentKey for fine control over the CodeMirror document instance. For example, to model changing a file.


  • Fixed undo history applying across files (#154).

    Previously all files shared the same document instance resulting in files sharing undo/redo history. Now each file has its own isolated internal document instance.

  • Fixed only a single closing script tag unescaping in html files using playground-ide (#251).

0.15.0-pre.1 - 2022-02-04


  • Added interactive code completions for TypeScript files (#243).

    Completions can be disabled by setting the no-completions attribute on <playground-ide>, <playground-file-editor>, or <playground-code-editor> components.

0.14.8 - 2022-01-25


  • Added html-file attribute (htmlFile property) to playground-preview and playground-ide which allows configuring the project HTML file which should be displayed in the preview. Defaults to index.html (which was previously the only possible value)


  • Remove nbsp characters from README.

0.14.7 - 2021-12-07


  • Fixed missing aria-label attributes on the reload button, file context menu button, and new file button

0.14.6 - 2021-10-18


  • Fixed bug where files could not be deleted or renamed using MWC v0.25.2 or above.

0.14.5 - 2021-10-07


0.14.4 - 2021-10-06


  • Fixed positioning of overlay that displays over previews when service workers are not available so that it is constrained to the preview, rather than the nearest containing positioned ancestor.

0.14.3 - 2021-10-06


  • Added an overlay that will display over the preview when we detect that service workers are not available. One reason this can happen is using Playground in Firefox private browsing mode, which does not support service workers (

  • Added cursorPosition, cursorIndex, and tokenUnderCursor getters to <playground-code-editor>.


  • Upgraded dependencies, including CodeMirror.


  • Fixed a bottleneck that prevented previews from loading until semantic TypeScript errors were computed. This should significantly improve the latency between updating a file and the new preview loading.

  • Fixed bug where parent window history entries were added every time the preview reloaded.

  • Improvements to service worker version updates:

    • The service worker will require less frequent updates going forward. Previously it needed updating for every playground-elements release. Now it only needs updating if the bytes of the service worker have changed between releases.

    • The default service worker scope has changed from <sandboxBaseUrl>/playground-project to <sandboxBaseUrl>/__playground_swfs_<serviceWorkerHash>. This should make service worker updates more reliable because old and new versions of service workers will no longer be in contention to control the same URLs.

    • Misc other small service worker robustness improvements, and additional logging to help debug future issues.

0.14.2 - 2021-09-30


  • Updated bundled version of TypeScript to 4.4.3.
  • Internal refactoring of language service.

0.14.1 - 2021-09-21


  • GitHub org changed from PolymerLabs to google.

0.14.0 - 2021-09-20


  • Upgrade to Lit 2.0.
  • TypeScript files are now compiled incrementally for improved performance


  • Fixed bug where the value property of a <playground-code-editor> did not take effect if set before element upgrade.


  • It is now possible to set the value of a <playground-code-editor> using the value HTML attribute.

0.13.0 - 2021-09-14


  • Node package exports are now supported when resolving dependency modules.

    The module, import, and development conditions are enabled.

    Note this change should not theoretically be BREAKING, but this release is versioned with a major increment because there a risk of breakage in practice due to misconfigured package.json files, differences between prod and dev modes, etc.


  • Added modified property to <playground-project> and <playground-ide> which indicates whether the user has modified, added, or removed any project files. Resets whenever a new project is loaded.

0.12.1 - 2021-08-26


  • If a file is marked hidden, and the user creates a new file by that name, the file will become visible and editable.

0.12.0 - 2021-08-17


  • Fixes duplicate module errors by canonicalizing all import specifiers. Import specifiers are now canonicalized by version number and default module. This applies both to local project files, and throughout the entire external dependency tree.

  • Import maps now apply to modules in external dependencies, not just to local project files.

  • The TypeScript compiler can now deal with multiple versions of the same dependency. Previously, if the import graph included two versions of the same package, only one arbitrary version of the types would be compiled. This caused various errors and missing type issues.


  • If the project contains a package.json file, then its dependencies field will be used to determine the version of dependencies (just like how NPM works locally).

  • Dependencies are now served from the special "/node_modules/..." path, instead of directly from URLs. Behind-the-scenes, dependencies are still fetched from unpkg, but they are now themselves transformed to ensure correct specifier canonicalization.

  • BREAKING Due to large changes to the way dependencies are handled, there is some risk of breakage due to subtle behavior changes that existing configurations may be relying on. Therefore, this release is versioned with a major increment.

0.11.1 - 2021-08-09


  • Added MIME-type detection for the following project file extensions: gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, mid, midi, mp3, png, svg, weba, webm, webp.

0.11.0 - 2021-07-28


  • Playgrounds now ensure that the service worker they are connected to have a matching version. Fixes issues relating to playgrounds being broken for some time after an upgrade.

  • The --playground-tab-bar-font-size CSS custom property now behaves as documented, and defaults to 14px.

  • The --playground-floating-controls-color CSS custom property now behaves as documented.

  • Fix missing .js extension from import in build.js that may have broken Webpack and other builds.

  • The hover effect and touch area for tabs in the tab bar are no longer offset by the height of the active tab indicator.

  • Fix bug that caused failures to load d.ts files and "Could not resolve module specifier" console errors when using import maps.


  • BREAKING playground-base-url is now resolved relative to the import.meta.url of the module containing the definition of <playground-project>, instead of relative to document.location.href as before. This means that . can now be used to refer to the local playground installation directory.

  • The service worker now sets the Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?1 heading on all responses, to encourage browsers to allocate a separate process or thread for Playground preview iframe under certain conditions. See the Process isolation section of the README for more details.

  • It is now possible to change the font-family of the tab-bar using a ::part(tab-bar) selector.

0.10.1 - 2021-07-14


  • Bumped MWC dependency versions.

0.10.0 - 2021-07-01


  • Adds --playground-code-padding and --playground-code-line-padding for configuring code editor padding.

  • Bare module specifiers are now transformed in dynamic import() statements.


  • BREAKING The src/ directory is no longer published to NPM.

  • BREAKING .js files are no longer compiled by TypeScript, so they cannot contain types, decorators, or other TypeScript-specific syntax.

  • Previews will now begin loading immediately, instead of waiting for compilation to completely finish, and each .js file is served as it compiles.


  • Query parameters are now ignored when serving files from the virtual file system.

0.9.4 - 2021-05-18


  • Fixed timeouts when using the default service worker origin, caused by comlink versions being out-of-sync between local components and remote service worker.


  • Added readonly property to <playground-file-editor>.

0.9.3 - 2021-05-05


  • Error tooltips now follow --playground-code-font-family.
  • Optimized the UX for fast compile and display by switching to a leading edge debouncer and eliminating the minimum display time for the loading bar.

0.9.2 - 2021-04-26


  • Playground now executes code on the origin by default, meaning user code execution is now sandboxed by default. The sandbox URL can still be changed with the sandboxBaseUrl property or sandbox-base-url attribute, though it is highly advisable to always use a separate and unprivileged origin.

0.9.1 - 2021-04-19


  • Tab key now inserts 2 spaces instead of a tab character.


  • Fixed missing vertical scrollbars.
  • Fixed transparent region between horizontal and vertical scrollbars.

0.9.0 - 2021-04-13


  • Focusing the editor using the Tab key no longer activates edit mode immediately. This prevents the Tab key from being trapped, which was an accessibility problem for keyboard users.

    Instead, when the editor is focused, users can now press Enter to begin editing, and Escape to stop editing. A prompt is displayed with these instructions when focused. Focusing the editor with a mouse click continues to activate edit mode immediately, as before.

  • The editor now uses the CodeMirror contenteditable input style, which has much better screen reader support.

  • Line numbers are now annotated with aria-hidden so that they are not voiced by screen readers.

  • Increased default line-height from normal to 1.4em.

  • Added a default padding-left of 1em.

  • Increased width of cursor from 1px to 2px.

  • Increased default tab font-size from 0.75rem to 0.8em;

  • Increased default --playground-bar-height from 35px to `40px.

  • --playground-cursor-color now defaults to the value of --playground-code-default-color.

  • --playground-code-gutter-background now defaults to the value of --playground-code-background.

  • --playground-code-gutter-margin-right default changed from 1px solid #ddd to none.

  • --playground-code-linenumber-color default changed from #999 to #767676.


  • Added playground-styles.css and playground-styles.js which can be imported to apply Playground styles to server-side rendered code.

  • Added dialog CSS shadow part to code-editor, file-editor, and ide for styling modal dialogs that appear over the editor (currently just used for the keyboard help that shows when the editor is focused using the keyboard).

  • Added CSS custom properties:

    • --playground-code-line-height: line-height of code in the editor.
    • --playground-tab-bar-font-size: font-size of tabs in the file picker tab bar.
    • --playground-tab-bar-active-color: Text color of active file-picker tab.
    • --playground-tab-bar-indicator-color: color of the active tab indicator line (use transparent to hide).
    • --playground-tab-bar-active-background: background of the active file-picker tab.
  • Added aria-label attribute to reload, new file, and file context menu buttons.

  • Added title attribute to preview <iframe> element.

  • Added aria-label to the preview loading indicator, and set aria-hidden=true when the preview is not loading.

0.8.0 - 2021-04-02


  • TypeScript type errors are now displayed inline. Previously, only syntax errors were displayed. Type errors may take slightly longer to appear than syntax errors, because they require fetching .d.ts files and running a more expensive compiler pass.


  • [BREAKING] Removed --playground-error-border property, and updated inline error style from a dashed border to a red squiggle.

0.7.0 - 2021-03-30


  • [BREAKING] Replaced files getter/setter on <playground-project> and <playground-ide> with config getter/setter. This property has the same type as the JSON config, and can be used to save/restore the state of all files and other configuration.


  • TypeScript errors of the form Property '...' does not exist on type and Cannot find name '...' are now suppressed (temporarily until d.ts files are fetched).

0.6.6 - 2021-03-29


  • Fixed missing @types/codemirror dependency.

0.6.5 - 2021-03-29


  • Fixed missing lib/codemirror.js file in NPM package.

0.6.4 - 2021-03-29


  • TypeScript errors are now displayed in the editor with red underlines. A tooltip displaying the error is shown on hover.

    • Note that only basic/syntactic errors are currently shown, because typings of dependencies are not currently available to compilation.
  • Added CSS property --playground-error-border, the border-bottom of code spans with an error (2px red dashed by default).

  • Added CSS shadow part diagnostic-tooltip for styling the tooltip that appears when hovering over an error.

0.6.3 - 2021-03-24


  • Added optional hidden property/attribute which prevents a file from being displayed in the tab bar.

  • Added support for JSON files with syntax highlighting.

  • Added extends property to JSON config file, an optional URL of another JSON config file to extend from. Useful for setting side-wide defaults.


  • Fixed bug where editor did not immediately switch to newly created files.

  • Fixed bug where label was ignored in tab bar.

0.6.2 - 2021-03-02


  • Added content and contentType as optional properties of the JSON manifest.


  • License headers shortened to concise SPDX style.


  • Fixed infinite loop that could occur when switching between two files that both contain code folding/hiding regions.

0.6.1 - 2021-03-01


0.6.0 - 2021-02-19


  • [BREAKING] Leading whitespace that is common to all lines of slotted <script> files will now be trimmed, along with empty leading/trailing lines. To disable this behavior, add the preserve-whitespace attribute.


  • Added --playground-floating-controls-color to control the highlight color of buttons and text inputs in floating add/remove/rename file controls. Defaults to var(--playground-highlight-color, #6200ee).


  • Playground can now be imported from Skypack.

  • Fix bugs where --playground-tab-bar-background and --playground-tab-bar-foreground-color did not apply correctly.

0.5.0 - 2021-01-30


  • [BREAKING] When both projectSrc and files are set, it is now the most recently set property that wins. Previously, files always won.

  • <playground-preview> now auto-reloads after 300ms, previously 500ms.


  • <playground-project> now emits a compileStart and compileDone event.


  • [BREAKING] <playground-project> no longer emits a contentChanged event.

0.4.3 - 2021-01-21


  • Do not add ?module parameter to import map URLs for bare module specifiers, only to fallback URLs.

  • Prevent z-index issues with CodeMirror scrollbars and other elements by using a separate stacking context.


  • <playground-preview> now has a default label (called location) of "Result".

0.4.2 - 2021-01-21


  • Import maps are now supported. This allows customizing the URL that a bare module specifier resolves to, e.g. to a specific version, or to a different CDN.

    Note that import maps currently only apply to the immediate imports of project source files, not to external transitive dependencies.

    Also note scopes are not yet supported, only imports.

    See and for more information on import maps.

    Previously, all bare modules resolved to URLs at the latest version. This continues to be the fallback behavior if no import map is provided, or no entry in it matches.

    To specify an import map in a JSON project manifest, add an importMap property:

      "files": {
        "index.html": {},
        "my-element.ts": {}
      "importMap": {
        "imports": {
          "lit-html": "",
          "lit-html/": ""

    To specify an import map inline, add a <script type="sample/importmap"> slotted child:

      <script type="sample/importmap">
          "imports": {
            "lit-html": "",
            "lit-html/": ""


  • Bare module imports in .js files are now resolved in the same way as .ts files.

0.4.1 - 2021-01-15


  • Fixed <playground-file-editor> not always displaying initial file.
  • Fixed editable-file-system attribute name (was editableFileSystem).
  • Fixed <playground-ide> not stretching <playground-file-editor> vertically.

0.4.0 - 2021-01-15


  • Added editableFileSystem property (editable-file-system attribute) to <playground-ide>. When true, the user will be able to create, delete, and rename files in the virtual filesystem.

    • To create a new file: click the "+" icon button in the tab bar.
    • To rename a file: click the three-dots menu button on its tab, and select "Rename".
    • To delete a file: click the three-dots menu button on its tab, and select "Delete".
  • Added <playground-file-system-controls> element which displays popup menus/dialogs for creating, deleting, and renaming files.


  • [BREAKING] The tab bar has been factored into a new standalone element called <playground-tab-bar>. The <playground-file-editor> element no longer integrates the tab bar, and the noFilePicker property has been removed.

  • [BREAKING] The following CSS custom properties have been renamed:

    • --playground-file-picker-background -> --playground-tab-bar-background
    • --playground-file-picker-foreground -> --playground-tab-bar-foreground
  • [BREAKING] The following CSS shadow parts have been renamed:

    • file-picker -> tab-bar

0.3.7 - 2021-01-08


  • Added files property to <playground-ide> and <playground-project>. Use this property to directly get and set the array of project files (e.g. to save/restore the project state).

    Note that directly setting files always takes precedence over setting projectSrc, and both take precedence over slotted children.


  • It is no longer necessary to load the Material Icons font. The reload button icon is now inlined SVG.


  • Fix caret placement issues with some dynamic layouts.

0.3.6 - 2020-12-08


  • Fix shifted/hidden code in Safari when line numbers are enabled.

0.3.5 - 2020-12-03


  • Fix mwc-tab race condition bug (dependency version bump).

0.3.4 - 2020-12-03


  • The playground service worker now serves its own 404s when a file is not found, instead of forwarding the request to the server.


  • Fix race condition where preview could load too early and 404.
  • Fix race condition where preview could sometimes never load.
  • Fix preview 404 that could occur after leaving page idle for some time.

0.3.3 - 2020-12-01


  • Fix Safari scrolling bug by limiting preview max-height.

0.3.2 - 2020-11-30


  • Fix installation error relating to missing node_modules/puppeteer directory.


  • Bumped and un-pinned @material/mwc dependencies.


  • Removed some unnecessary files from NPM package.

0.3.1 - 2020-11-11


  • Remove debugging log statement.
  • Remove unecessary file from NPM package.

0.3.0 - 2020-11-11


  • [BREAKING] service-worker.js has been renamed to playground-service-worker.js, typescript-worker.js has been renamed to playground-typescript-worker.js, and an additional file called playground-service-worker-proxy.html is now also required. This change may affect bundling configurations.


  • Service Workers and scripts are now able and advised to run on a second origin, in order to isolate arbitrary script execution from sensitive actions or data on the host origin.

    The sandboxBaseUrl property (or sandbox-base-url attribute) has been added <playground-ide> and <playground-project> to control this origin.

    If the default same origin is used, a warning will be logged to the console.

0.2.0 - 2020-10-28


  • [BREAKING] Replaced theme property with new custom property based theming system (see below).

  • [BREAKING] Renamed CSS custom properties:

    • playground-code-color -> playground-code-default-color
    • playground-file-editor-background-color -> playground-code-background
    • playground-file-picker-background-color -> playground-file-picker-background
    • playground-preview-toolbar-background-color -> playground-preview-toolbar-background


  • Added CSS Custom Properties for configuring the CodeMirror theme.

    Includes broad properties like --playground-code-background and --playground-selection-color, as well as token-specific properties like --playground-code-keyword-color and --playground-code-string-color.

    See the themes/ directory for more examples of what can be customized.

  • Added themes/ directory which includes CSS files and JS modules for each of the standard CodeMirror themes, adapted to use CSS Custom Properties.

    Use the configurator at to try out the available themes.

    To load a theme, load its stylesheet into your document or shadow root scope, and set the corresponding playground-theme-NAME class on any playground element or ancestor.

    In HTML:

    <body class="playground-theme-mbo">

    In a LitElement:

    import mbo from 'playground-elements/themes/mbo.css.js';
    class MyElement extends LitElement {
      static styles = [mbo, css`...`];
      render() {
        return `
          <playground-ide class="playground-theme-mbo">


  • Fix inconsistent line-number guttter sizing.

0.1.1 - 2020-10-26


  • Added --playground-preview-size CSS custom property to control the initial size of the RHS preview bar in <playground-ide>. The LHS editor will take up all additional space. Defaults to 30%.

  • Added resizable property/attribute which allows users to click and drag in the space between the LHS editor and RHS preview of <playground-ide> to change their relative sizes.


  • Invalid module import paths.
  • Reload button icon now respects --playground-preview-toolbar-foreground-color.


  • TypeScript decorator runtime is now imported from tslib instead of inlined.

0.1.0 - 2020-10-24

  • [BREAKING] NPM package and GitHub repo renamed from code-sample-editor to playground-elements.

  • [BREAKING] Renamed all elements:

    • <code-sample> -> <playground-ide>
    • <code-sample-project> -> <playground-project>
    • <code-sample-editor> -> <playground-file-editor>
    • <codemirror-editor> -> <playground-code-editor>
  • [BREAKING] Renamed all element JS modules:

    • ./lib/code-sample.js -> ./playground-ide.js
    • ./lib/code-sample-project.js -> ./playground-project.js
    • ./lib/code-sample-editor.js -> ./playground-file-editor.js
    • ./lib/codemirror-editor.js -> ./playground-code-editor.js

0.1.0-pre.4 - 2020-10-22


  • [BREAKING] Major refactor of elements to allow them to be more easily used independently. The new elements are:

    • <code-sample>: A single editor with file-selection bar and preview in side-by-side layout. If a different layout is required, the editor and preview elements can instead be used directly, along with a project element. New equivalent of what used to be <code-sample-editor>.

    • <code-sample-project>: New purely abstract element that coordinates between the service worker, editor elements, and preview elements.

    • <code-sample-editor>: An editor with file-selection bar, tied to a project element. New equivalent to the left-hand-side side of what used to be <code-sample-editor>.

    • <code-sample-preview>: A rendered HTML preview window, tied to a project element. New equivalent to the right-hand-side of what used to be <code-sample-editor-preview>.

    • <codemirror-editor>: A pure CodeMirror editor, mostly unchanged from previous version.

    Example usage without <code-sample>:

    <code-sample-editor project="myProject"></code-sample-editor>
    <code-sample-preview project="myProject"></code-sample-preview>

    The project property can either be an ID in the host scope (as shown above) or a direct reference to a <code-sample-project> element (which would allow the elements to live in different scopes).

  • Downgraded from CodeMirror v6 to v5 in order to gain support for nested highlighting of HTML and CSS inside JS/TS. See lezer-parser/javascript#3. Will upgrade back to 6 once support is ready.

  • The caret is now only displayed when an editor is on focus (previously it was always displayed).

  • The <code-sample> side-by-side layout is now consistently 70%/30% (widths can be changed using the editor and preview CSS shadow parts).


  • Add syntax highlighting of TypeScript files.

  • Add syntax highlighting of nested HTML and CSS inside JS/TS.

  • Add filename property/attribute to <code-sample-editor> which allows getting and setting the currently selected file.

  • Add noFilePicker property (no-file-picker attribute) to <code-sample-editor> which disables the top file selection tab-bar.

  • Add lineNumbers property (line-numbers attribute) to <code-sample>, <code-sample-editor>, and <codemirror-editor> which enables the left-hand-side gutter with line numbers. Off by default.

  • Add a <slot> to <code-sample-editor> which will be displayed until the file is loaded. This facilitates pre-rendering syntax-highlighted code before both the element has upgraded, and before the project file has been fetched.

  • Add a <slot> to <code-sample-preview> which will be displayed until the preview iframe has loaded for the first time. This facilitates pre-rendering preview HTML both before both the element has upgraded, and before the live preview first renders.

  • Add label property and attribute to project files. When set, the file picker will display this label instead of the filename.

  • An animated progress bar now displays when a preview is loading.

  • Added CSS Shadow Parts:

    • <code-sample-editor>: file-picker
    • <code-sample-preview>: preview-toolbar, preview-location, preview-reload-button, preview-loading-indicator
    • <code-sample>: editor, preview, file-picker, preview-toolbar, preview-location, preview-reload-button, preview-loading-indicator
  • Added CSS Custom Properties:

    • --playground-code-font-family
    • --playground-code-font-size
    • --playground-editor-background-color
    • --playground-file-picker-background-color
    • --playground-file-picker-foreground-color
    • --playground-preview-toolbar-background-color
    • --playground-preview-toolbar-foreground-color
    • --playground-border
    • --playground-highlight-color
    • --playground-bar-height
  • Added theme property to <code-sample>, <code-sample-editor>, and <codemirror-editor>, which sets the theme (currently only default, monokai, ambiance, ayu-mirage are available, but a way to load other themes will follow).

  • Previews will now automatically reload on changes (0.5 second debounce).

  • Added readonly property/attribute to <codemirror-editor> which disables the ability to edit.


  • Fix absent CSS syntax highlighting.
  • Fix various styling/layout glitches.
  • Fix service worker and TypeScript worker URLs, which reached up too many parent directories.

0.1.0-pre.3 - 2020-10-05


  • Fix missing CodeMirror styles on Firefox and Safari.
  • Fix Safari crashes in <mwc-tab> code.

0.1.0-pre.2 - 2020-09-12


  • Fix extra/missing files.

0.1.0-pre.1 - 2020-09-12

  • Initial release.