Simple clojure coverage tool.
Add to :plugins in your .lein/profiles.clj
Cloverage uses clojure.test
by default. If you prefer use midje
, pass the --runner :midje
flag. (In older versions of Cloverage, you had to wrap your midje tests in clojure.test's deftest. This is no longer necessary.) Other test libraries may ship with their own support for Cloverage external to this library; see their documentation for details.
Run lein cloverage
in your project. See cloverage/coverage.clj for more
To specify the version of cloverage manually, set the CLOVERAGE_VERSION
to desired value, for example CLOVERAGE_VERSION=1.0.4-SNAPSHOT lein cloverage
By default, the plugin will use the latest release version of cloverage.
There is no maven plugin right now. A workaround is to import this library in the
project being tested, then run:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.mainClass='clojure.main' -Dexec.args='--main cloverage.coverage *args-to-coverage*'
Where args-to-coverage will usually be something like "-n 'ns.regex.' -t 'text.ns.regex.'"
IllegalArgumentException No matching field found: foo for class user.Bar clojure.lang.Reflector.getInstanceField (
This is usually caused by protocols with methods starting with -. Before clojure 1.6:
user=> (defprotocol Foo (-foo [x] x))
user=> (deftype Bar [] Foo (-foo [_] "foo"))
user=> (-foo (Bar.))
user=> ((do -foo) (Bar.))
IllegalArgumentException No matching field found: foo for class user.Bar clojure.lang.Reflector.getInstanceField (
Since cloverage will wrap the -foo symbol to track whether it's accessed, you will get this error. Upgrade to clojure 1.6.
This happens if there is a namespace in your project that requires itself, for example:
(:require [ :as bar]))
Remove the self-reference and the test coverage report should report correctly again.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
- 2015 LShift, Tom Parker
- 2012 LShift, Jacek Lach, Alexander Schmolck, Frank Shearar
- 2010 Michael Delaurentis
Some code was taken from
- Java IO interop (clojure-contrib/duck-streams) by Stuart Sierra (see cloverage/source.clj)
- Topological sort ( by Alan Dipert (see cloverage/kahn.clj)